May 15, 2023

Living Victoriously in His Truth (Episode 162)

Living Victoriously in His Truth (Episode 162)
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Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright

“He’s aligning us, and He’s removing all inferior definitions and establishing us in the truth and establishing us in our capacity to move in power and authority from our union with Jesus, living awake on the inside, consciously aware that He is within us 24/7.” - Liz Wright

In this powerful episode, Liz takes you into an activation toward a deeper experience of living victoriously with God. The Lord is doing something so transformative in this current season, pouring out fresh revelation and awakening us into who we are and who we’re called to be. We’re being aligned on the inside into divine consciousness. We are no longer being defined by the world’s standards or by our circumstances; we are being defined by and established in His absolute truth. He is expanding our capacity to move in power and authority, constantly living fully aware of His presence and power within us. 

Liz shares both from Scripture as well as fresh revelation she’s received from the Lord. We were created to govern the earth in full partnership with the Father, walking in His perfect redemption, restoration, and authority. We are His perfected vessels, and He desires to move in us and through us upon this earth. We were meant to experience His fullness, just as Adam experienced His fullness in the garden of Eden. He is awakening us in this hour to take our positions as sons and daughters, co-reigning with our Father in the fullness of all that He’s given us. He’s raising His government into position. 

We were meant to live victoriously through the power of the cross, and He is establishing us in this powerful truth. We know who we are, Whose we are, and why we’re here. There’s no question about it. We’re coming into position to reign with the Lord, steward His power within us, and fully trust Him. The Lord is releasing His presence, strength, and authority upon a people who are hungry for more of Him. Don’t let your circumstances overwhelm you, but rise up today as His son or daughter, and get ready for a fresh impartation of truth, revelation, and power. 


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For many years many have believed that we have a big God battling a big enemy. But the truth is the victory has already been won, and you have full authority to live victoriously from a place of rest because of your identity in Christ! Prepare to have your faith activated and your heart filled to overflowing as you move even deeper into the heart and ways of God. You are about to discover the secrets of living victoriously from the seat of rest.