Oct. 26, 2023

Participating in the Divine Nature w/ Liz Wright (Episode 183)

Participating in the Divine Nature w/ Liz Wright (Episode 183)
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Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright
“Whatever we are going through, we can pull out of our emotions and responses to circumstances, and back into the internal posture of the heart of trust.” - Liz Wright We were created to walk in total trust with God, partaking in the Divine nature of Jesus and bearing the fruit of being new creations! 2 Peter 1 declares that everything we need to walk faithfully has been deposited within us, and God is releasing a fresh humility—the ability to fully trust in Him—to each of us. In this episode, Liz shares a recent, powerful encounter where Jesus appeared to her in the Spirit and revealed a prophetic invitation. Jesus made it clear that now was a time for the Body to re-engage our awareness of His nature, which we carry through the work of the Cross, and to lean into dependence on Him in everything. It’s essential that we gain a clear understanding of what it means to walk as new creations and access all that Jesus has purchased for us at the Cross—how He has called us to live, according to the ways of His heart. Through Liz’s encounter with Christ at a recent event, she experienced a revelation of Him wearing a garment of humility, and carrying garments of humility which were saturated in anointing oil. Jesus revealed that He was enabling us to become freshly aware and to have capacity again to fully depend on God, to walk in total trust in Him and in the nature placed within us by Him. We were meant to live from that state of constant grace, recognizing Him as the source of life and created to know Him, be filled with Him, living in intimate union with Him, and overflowing to the world around us with Him. We are being invited to step away from desperateness, separation, panic, or a need for control, and lean into the truth of Him being our eternal source of life, truth, wisdom, grace, love, joy, and beyond. We are dead to sin, and fully alive in Christ Jesus—we are new creations! Not only this, but from a place of immersion, we will release these things to the people and cities to which we are called, partnering with God to make earth look like heaven.This is our new reality, and this is what it means to walk in the fullness of what Christ paid for on the Cross: we possess the nature of Christ within us, and we are called to lean into Jesus as the eternal source for every need, question, and longing. In our final moments in this episode, we walk through a time of encounter with God and reconnect to this truth. Today, we place our concerns, cares, and dreams in His hands, and acknowledge our dependence on Him, and honor the call to walk in fresh humility, trust, and faithfulness to our new life in Christ.