Receiving the Promise of Healing w/ Denise Renner

Denise Renner joins Liz to share her life-changing healing testimony and revelation of God’s desire to heal. God radically healed her after taking her on a journey of revelation about His Word and her heart. Hope was alive in her through this journey and she experienced the truth of Isaiah 53, that by His stripes we are healed. After 13 years of disease, she was completely delivered. No matter what doubt and fear comes into your mind, the Greater One lives inside you. She encourages us to stop focussing so much on the external, but on the powerful One who lives inside you. Meditate on His Word of truth and His promises. Your eyes will be flooded with light and your perspective will change! The place of power begins when we emphasize Who is forever inside of us, rather than temporary sickness and disease. Remember again today who He is, what He has done for us, and the power of His Word.
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There is nothing in the heart or the will of God that wants you to stay sick or in pain. He doesn't use sickness or infirmity as a means to teach you a single thing!
Jesus Is Your Healer by Denise Renner has simple but profound truths that will equip you to believe for and walk in the divine health that is already yours in Christ!
"I wrote this book so that through the power of the Holy Spirit, God can use the words contained in these pages to paint this eternal truth on the canvas of your mind and heart: Jesus is your Healer! When that happens and you claim that spiritual reality as your very own, you will receive all the magnificent power that is extended to you through the horrible beating and crucifixion Jesus endured for you."