Oct. 16, 2023

Setting Captives Free & Revealing God’s Goodness w/ Dr. Pete Sulack (Episode 184)

Setting Captives Free & Revealing God’s Goodness w/ Dr. Pete Sulack (Episode 184)
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Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright
Show Notes: “It’s about Jesus. It’s about exposing the world’s worth and value, and letting them know that Jesus is the gift from God that came to reconcile the world back to Him and redeem mankind.” - Dr. Pete Sulack It is an honor to partner with Heaven to see Jesus get His full reward. One of the ways that we are invited to partner with Him is in setting the captives free. Around the world, millions of people are living bound in slavery, and one of the most common forms of slavery is work to pay off debts that can never truly be paid off. Dr. Pete Sulack and Matthew 10 International is working to reveal the goodness of God through inviting people to know the freedom Christ paid for on the Cross, both spiritually and physically, by paying these debts and inviting families into new life! In this episode, Liz hears from Dr. Pete about what he and his team have been doing in the Middle East, and how God is inviting us to set the captives free here and now. He shares on the people they are ministering to, how the Lord is drawing hearts to Himself, and how their plan to set 600 families free from their debts and released into a new life in Christ is coming to pass. Matthew 10:5-8 says, “These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: ‘Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.” This is the mission that Matthew 10 International builds upon, and their work rescuing those enslaved through debt to brickmakers and landowners is making a lasting impact on the Kingdom. Throughout their conversation, Liz and Dr. Pete discuss the compelling invitation that salvation creates within each of us to reveal the love that God has for the world. Dr. Pete reveals that each day is a day of celebration for those who have experienced the goodness of God that leads to repentance. He declares, “My testimony is what He went through on my behalf—every day is an invitation to experience the joy of my salvation.” This is the heart behind Matthew 10 International’s call—that people would experience the goodness of God through rescue from financial servitude, be given a chance to be restored to Him and to the new life He offers, and step into a new reality of financial freedom, community life, and connection to God. As the time closes, we experience powerful and moving footage from Matthew 10 International’s first 50 families who encountered this reality of freedom and wholeness.Related Materials:Redeem Chiropractic is dedicated to helping you and your family break the cycle of chronic and traumatic stress – physically, chemically, and emotionally. Find out if the root of your symptoms is related to stress today by scheduling your first visit with our team or shopping in our online store.https://redeemchiropractic.com/