Oct. 27, 2023

Walking in Purity as New Creations w/ Liz Wright (Episode 186)

Walking in Purity as New Creations w/ Liz Wright (Episode 186)
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Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright
“Holy Spirit is bringing forth the pure sound of the life of Jesus within the Bride.” - Liz Wright When we receive the gift of God’s love through the work of the Cross, we become new creations through Christ! This means that the old nature of who we were before salvation is dead, and we are alive in Him. As we continue on our journey with Jesus, we come to realize that we are invited to make His nature our nature, His ways our ways, and His heart our heart. Christ is being formed in us, and in this episode, Liz shares on how the Lord is drawing her deeper into a revelation of the call to purity, that the Holy Spirit is bringing forth the pure sound—the pure song—of the life of Jesus within the Bride. In reaching into the wisdom of the Scriptures, specifically Collosians 3 and 1 Corinthians 13, along with some keys from Andrew Murray, Liz uncovers the depth of the call in this moment to no longer be in the struggle of compromised living, being pushed around by trauma, swung back and forth by our souls or our emotions. Instead, we are called to walk in humility—in absolute, surrendered trust—yielded to Him as our source, our truth, our way, and our life. As we do that, we are reminded that everything else will become dethroned in our lives except Christ, in His rightful place as Lord of our lives. In this posture of surrender, Liz also declares that the Lord is wanting to remove bitterness, sin, inconsistencies in our living, and instead, we are being synchronized on the inside, with Christ being formed in us. He wants you in the higher nature of who He is, out of the struggle and living in the fruitfulness of our union with Him. He’s flooding our eyes with the light of understanding that there is more. As Liz closes our time with a final reading of Scripture, may you be blessed in entering a new season of yielded surrender to Jesus, and as you abide, may the fruit of your life become abundant!