24 Heavenly Doors in 2024 - Part 2

Dr Candice releases 6 more keys for a total of 16! We are in the month of Shevat on the Hebrew calendar and it’s time now to position ourselves to learn to live in the realms of the Kingdom! Double 12 is 24 and the kingdom is arising in 2024 so let’s gather as one and open the heavenly doors that will impact the earth with kingdom government!
In this first month of the Gregorian calendar year, God is consecrating His church to walk in new realms of heavenly government! The government of the church must be defined and God’s government is heavenly first ! Let us learn the keys to life in this heavenly government and keep the access open. The church today is too soulish - we have to learn the difference between the earthly soulish kingdom and the heavenly spiritual kingdom and this means we have to SEE or PERCEIVE as God sees and know as He knows the realms of heavenly knowledge.
This was abandoned in the garden when Adam and Eve ate the tree of knowledge of good and evil and not the tree of life. Now because of Jesus we partake of eternal life and its fruit and it’s a place unlike the realms of the earthly knowledge of good and evil .
Make a determination to rise up and live and share the kingdom life in the earth . Acquaint yourself with the king and kingly things and you will be empowered to effect what the king desires in the earth.