This is the last week of December and we are gearing up for a new year ! You have been promoted and favor has been released to open doors no man can shut in 2024. It is time to reflect on 2023 and begin the process of consecr...
We have entered the month of Tevet on the Hebrew calendar on Tuesday December 12 and this is the month we remember Esther and her promotion into the house of Ahasuerus. Esther 2:15-16 reads, “ Now when the turn of Esther, the...
Rededicate your life during the Festival of Dedication and watch the miracle oil start flowing! Jesus was in the temple during the Festival of Dedication or also called Hanukkah! John 10:22-23, “And it was at Jerusalem the fe...
This week is the Festival of Dedication or Hanukkah starting Thursday December 7 at sundown - Friday December 15 at sundown. It is time to stand in your mantle like the Macabees did and defend the territory God has given you!...
Amidst the mental assaults taking place God is positioning us in a place of preparation. We are between two assignments - the last ones of 2023 and new ones of 2024! In this word I release an impartation for a new mantle for ...
Are you experiencing some mental assaults and warfare ? Relational issues and insecurities in the flesh are on the rise this week. We are entering into a rest period for next 2 months and the enemy always assaults hard during...
The month of Kislev started Monday November 13 at sundown. This is the month of miracles, light, and dreams! It’s time to rest in your covenant relationship with the Father! You need a reminder of the hope of your calling and...
You are at the door of your destiny. A gateway with a python or asp or adder waits at the threshold to stop you. You must press in and use your feet and your sword as weapons to walk through and possess the land. The Lord say...
Tonite is Cheshvan 17 the day Noah entered the ark for a year. Genesis 7:11 -12 says, “In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of th...
As I am in Greece returning from a day in Corinth exploring the ancient port city and giving this message I am sharing this word to help you keep on track wherever you are in the world today! God is reinforcing His kingdom to...
We have entered the month of Heshvan which is the 2nd month on the civil calendar and the 8 th month on the religious calendar. It is named Heshvan after Marcheshvan which is the word Mar which means bitter or droplet. It is ...
We have begun October and tonite is the 10 th day of the 10th month on the Gregorian calender. Ten is the number of wholeness and this is a wholeness month. God is working on keeping our minds on Him to build strength and who...
God says it is time to receive HIs 7 Blessings from Joel 2:23-32: Financial Abundance Double Portion Restoration Miracles Divine Presence Blessings on Sons & Daughters Deliverance It is time to receive a DOUBLE PORTION of g...