Jan. 19, 2023

Give From the Realms of Heaven

Give From the Realms of Heaven
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Manifest His Presence with Candice Smithyman

In this month of First fruits let your giving over to God be direct from the realms of heaven activated by your faith! As you use your faith and the deposit God has made in you then you will activate the realms of supernatural provision! Luke 6:38, “Give and it shall be given unto you - pressed down shaken together and running over The measure you use is measured to you.” This giving over of yourself, resources, your desire to bless others in healing, whatever it is- Seek first the realms of the kingdom for ALL things, only then will you see the supernatural manifest itself in gifts, finances, miracles, healings, and setting captives free. When the kingdom of heaven has arrived then all things are made manifest in the earth that the kingdom and its citizens have rights to. This is a serious realm of faith. You need to practice living there - it does not come by natural eyes but supernatural eyes that are one with Jesus! Pour out from the vats you have access to by faith and then the earth will be blessed! You have a mantle as a kingdom ambassador as God provides you give from this revelatory realm of faith and it opens storehouses and vats of heaven to bless many!