Oct. 8, 2024

Glory Road TV Prophetic Word-Faith Challenges, Consecration & Day of Atonement

Glory Road TV Prophetic Word-Faith Challenges, Consecration & Day of Atonement
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Manifest His Presence with Candice Smithyman

We have entered this week into the final Days of Awe or the 10 days before Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement which is the Highest Holy Day of the Year on the Hebrew Calendar, October 12, 2024r. It is a solemn assembly where the Jewish people will come before the Lord for 24 hours and will repent of their sins for the last year and ask the Lord for forgiveness. This is the day that the High Priest would go into the Holy of Holies and make atonement with the blood of an unblemished lamb for himself and the sins of others. He would put that blood on the mercy seat on the ark of the covenant which sits in the Holy of Holies . Since there is no more an earthly temple to offer sacrifice for sin the Jewish people will simply understand that today is that special day but have no blood sacrifice for sin unless they understand Jesus as their High Priest in the order of Melchesidek who gave His own life for them and all of humanity.

For those who believe in Jesus we understand this to be the time that Jesus became our sacrifice for sin and shed his own blood and went into the Heavenly Tabernacle and declared in book of John “ It is Finished”. Jesus’ blood atonement was the beginning of a new and living way, a new eternal order. Hebrews 9: 28 says, “

So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.”

On this day we remember that we have now eternal a new covenant relationship and our hearts and minds are sprinkled clean. We have a relationship with God are AT-ONE-MENT with Him. It is a new beginning of consecration and being set apart for the new year.

This week God is working on faith. He is challenging our faith in every way. He is causing us to believe He is greater than. In everything He is asking us to do this week alone He is revealing our faith weakness and encouraging us to believe in Him as the one we can trust for a new life of abundance and grace. What is God stretching you on? Do not become weary in the stretching of your faith as faith pleases God and He is only taking you to next levels of knowing Him as being the faithful one. All faith challenges mean that He is offering us to know Him in a deeper way. He will come through for you! He is calling us to live a life of faith in abundance and move out of making decisions from lack. If your faith is being stretched it is because He is driving you beyond your lack mindset into a place of believing He is good and better and will indeed provide for you! Say YES to the faith challenge and begin to grow into all God has for you this year of Overwhelming Grace- 5785.

Hebrews 10: 38 reads, “Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.”

Open yourself to the 7 blessings of the Season of Tabernacles from Joel 2:23-32 with financial abundance, double portion, restoration, miracles, God’s divine presence, Blessings on sons and daughters, and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved or delivered.

Watch last week message for more on the 7 blessings of Tabernacles. Sow your seed this week in accordance with Deuteronomy 16:16-7. Three times a year we are to come before the Lord and bless Him and this is one of those times.

Maximize Your Prophetic Potential monthly class is Tuesday November 12 at 10 am and 6 pm EST. You can choose which one. Click here https://dream-mentors-transformational-life-coaching.teachable.com/p/maximize-your-prophetic-potential-course1/?preview=logged_out

Only $30 each month no discount code needed and join Candice Live Zoom!