July 28, 2022

God is Revealing the Breaches in Your Temple

God is Revealing the Breaches in Your Temple
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Manifest His Presence with Candice Smithyman

We are entering the new Hebrew month of Av on sundown, July 28 and this is a time where God is revealing the breaches in our walls. He is revealing where the areas in our spirit, soul, and body have breaches or holes where the enemy can easily attack us. God is getting ready to promote you in the latter part of August and is sending forth mantles from heaven to reposition you. However, He needs you to have strong boundaries, and the only way we can begin to have strong boundaries is when we are aware of these breaches. We must become aware of what will take us down after promotion time comes but we can’t know this until we allow God to reveal to us where the breaches are. We must repent when God reveals these areas and begin a strategy with God for the rebuild. God wants you strong as you enter into the new Hebrew Year of 5783. In order to bring Him yourself as an offering that is pure and holy, you must know what defiles the temple and how to shut it out.