No matter what happens on the Hebrew calendar , even though we are in Month of Tammuz with all its warfare and “Between the Straights” and “Three Weeks of Mourning” it does not change that it is the month of August, the 8th month on the Gregorian Calendar and God always promotes this month and sets us up for advancement directly following the 3 Weeks of Mourning. Why would God do this ? Even though the Hebrew Calendar is God’s Calendar it always shifts from Tammuz into the new month of Comfort which is the Month of Av. Av is tough in the beginning but then it quickly becomes a month of promotion and acceleration .
God has been revealing the idols in our life in Tammuz because you can’t be entangled with these idols while God is promoting you and expanding and growing you! August 1 is first day of month of new beginnings, August 8 is the day of new beginnings in month of new beginnings, then August 13 is the last day of 3 weeks of mourning, 9 AV, which is a vital day of fasting and praying when Jewish people mourn the destruction of 2 temples. Then advancement comes that night at sundown when mourning ends.
Matthew 6:24, “ No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
God is going to send you some fresh ideas. Warning.- DO NOT make your fresh ideas an idol as they will hold you back if you begin to worship them. You are called to Worship Him and Serve Him only. You have been through a lot of warfare but now it is time to advance and you don’t want the old with new, or even the new becoming an idol. Creative ideas are going to come fast and this is because it is good to come to you for the kingdom to expand. God is using you mightily and the time has come for next levels!
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