Jan. 23, 2023

Prophetic Word - Fruitfulness and Increase

Prophetic Word - Fruitfulness and Increase
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Manifest His Presence with Candice Smithyman

The month of Shevat begins Sunday January 22 at sundown. This is a month of fruitfulness and increase. As the chastening has come here in January, the Lord is preparing you for a greater yield of fruit. Hebrews 12:14 reads, “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” God is disciplining and chastening us as sons and daughters so we can walk in the greater realms of royalty and glory! He is revealing that which has prevented us from getting to next levels of increase! Your faith capacity is being challenged but God is faithful and He is molding and shaping you for a Royal greatness where you share in His holiness and righteousness! Get ready for greater resurrection power and His roar coming through your new voice in 2023!