March 12, 2024

Strategy for Promotion

Strategy for Promotion
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Manifest His Presence with Candice Smithyman

We entered the month of Adar 2 on Friday March 9 at sundown. This month is characterized by God giving a strategy now that promotion has come. In Adar 1 there were thresholds where an asp or adder serpent stands at the gate to push us back from destiny . In Adar 1 we had to pass through this gate in our unique measure of faith to enter into Adar 2 where our promotion is revealed. Now that we are in this new month, God will download revelation regarding strategy for this promotion. God is preparing you in this promotion for the month of Nisan to run with the vision. You need strategy and strengthening to be able to do this. Your identity in Christ is being strengthened this month to handle the weight of the promotion . God has made you ready - now it’s time to trust Him for the next steps! Things will move fast this month as God is preparing you to step in quickly for your position in the move of the kingdom!