Feb. 14, 2024

Sustenance and Abundance in the Month of Adar

Sustenance and Abundance in the Month of Adar
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Manifest His Presence with Candice Smithyman

This month on Hebrew calendar is Adar when King Darius, King Cyrus and King Artaxerses all made decrees to build the temple and “release the priests into their divisions or set places to work”. It’s a holy month to remember ADAR which means “power and strength and to dwell” in the tabernacle or temple.

The house of God was completed on Adar 3 which on the Gregorian Calender is Monday Feb 12 . King Darius decreed the people to bring offerings to the temple to celebrate with joy the completion of the building and he directed an impartation to SEND them on to their duties for God! This is a month of sustenance as we dwell in our holy tabernacle with Him! He will give you power and strength in the secret place to be SENT ones!

This month is not only about the temple building BUT our temples being consecrated and set apart for Gods service SO HE can DWELL in us.

Ezra 6:15-18 reads, “And this house was finished on the third day of the month Adar, which was in the sixth year of the reign of Darius the king.

And the children of Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the rest of the children of the captivity, kept the dedication of this house of God with joy.”

Start the month off right seeking Him in your heart which is the center of His tabernacle within you! Rest this month which is the key! Rest in His holy place to be sustained in His joy!