May 12, 2023

Test of Provision is NOW-Manna Falls From Heaven

Test of Provision is NOW-Manna Falls From Heaven
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Manifest His Presence with Candice Smithyman

You are hemmed in between Egypt and the Promised Land in wilderness. If you have been experiencing the sound of the enemies voice saying, “Did God really say?” The enemy is creating much doubt about what God has spoken to you and the instructions God has given you!

One of the concerns of the wilderness is how will God provide for us? But God always showed up. The enemy tried to get the Israelites to return to where they came from instead of pressing forward. Do not return to the past as God will come through! On Iyar 16 which was Sunday May 7, that was the first day that Manna from Heaven fell! You are in a time of testing for provision. Deuteronomy 8 :3 says, “ He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”

God wants you to learn to obey His voice and wait for a word from Him. Covenant covers you in everything you do! God will activate HIs covenant and so while you are waiting do not fall back and return to old ways of thinking, you must sow into your faith!