April 13, 2023

113: The Only Way of Life for the Church

113: The Only Way of Life for the Church

R.A. Martinez gives commentary on our current sermon series, “With Jesus on the Mountain.” Recorded in Matthew 5-7, the Sermon of the Mount is Jesus’ first public and longest recorded sermon in the gospels. Jesus’ main focuses in these...

R.A. Martinez gives commentary on our current sermon series, “With Jesus on the Mountain.” Recorded in Matthew 5-7, the Sermon of the Mount is Jesus’ first public and longest recorded sermon in the gospels. Jesus’ main focuses in these chapters are what we belong to (the Kingdom), who we belong to (the Father), and how we interact with both (love and obedience). It is the constitution of the “upside-down Kingdom”. Here, losing is winning, suffering is joy, and enemies are loved. We discuss how this is the only way of life for the Church. What does it look like to be a disciple of Jesus? Listen to this discussion! (You can find the actual weekly sermons on our Weekend Services Podcast.)