Oct. 25, 2023

127: The Israel/Gaza War- Through The Lens of Mercy and The Great Commission

127: The Israel/Gaza War- Through The Lens of Mercy and The Great Commission

R.A. Martinez sits down and discusses our perspective on the current war in the Middle East. Many are only seeing it from a geo-political perspective and seeking to take "sides". However, there is another perspective to look from and pray from. As a...

R.A. Martinez sits down and discusses our perspective on the current war in the Middle East. Many are only seeing it from a geo-political perspective and seeking to take "sides". However, there is another perspective to look from and pray from. As a spiritual family we are praying and responding through the lens of God's heart for mercy and the Great Commission. Jesus is inviting us to contend for mercy in the midst of increasing conflict in the nations and to open a door in the region for the Gospel.