Nov. 26, 2019

31: Then The End Will Come: Eschatologically Informed Missions (Part 2)

31: Then The End Will Come: Eschatologically Informed Missions (Part 2)

This is Part 2 of our conversation concerning how our Eschatology (the study of the End Times) informs our Missiology (how we do missions). In Part 2, we look deeper into trends in the church as well as share more. This important topic is largely...

This is Part 2 of our conversation concerning how our Eschatology (the study of the End Times) informs our Missiology (how we do missions). In Part 2, we look deeper into trends in the church as well as share more. This important topic is largely ignored when it comes to missions and yet is a central component to the Great Commission. We hope that it serves and enlightens! Below is a glossary of a few terms that are discussed. 

Eschatology: the study of the "time of the end” and the events surrounding the return of Jesus Christ

Hermeneutics: the branch of study that deals with interpretation, especially of the Bible and prophetic texts

Exegesis: the approach to Scripture in a critical and rational manner whereupon we are informed by the text itself 

Missiology: the area of practical theology that investigates the mandate, message, and especially the nature of missionary work.

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