April 28, 2020

40: COVID-19 and the One Necessary Thing

40: COVID-19 and the One Necessary Thing

COVID-19 has caused the nations of the Earth to grind down to a halt. In the midst of the global pandemic, God is speaking. R.A. Martinez shares what he believes the Lord is putting his finger on in the church as He is gently dealing with our...

COVID-19 has caused the nations of the Earth to grind down to a halt. In the midst of the global pandemic, God is speaking. R.A. Martinez shares what he believes the Lord is putting his finger on in the church as He is gently dealing with our addiction to activity and the “many things” that have crowded out the “one necessary thing". We want to hear from you! If you have a question from any of our episodes or you have a topic you would like to hear us discuss, please email us at podcast@mapsglobal.org!