Sept. 1, 2020

49: A Brief Description of the Five-Fold Offices (More Clarity On the Stuff Talked About Last Time)

49: A Brief Description of the Five-Fold Offices (More Clarity On the Stuff Talked About Last Time)

Listen to the second half of our last episode “Five-Fold, Twelve Gifts, Somebody’s Office? (A Bunch of Stuff We Need Clarity On…)” where we discuss Ephesians 4 and 1 Corinthians 12. Make sure to go back and listen to the first part if you...

Listen to the second half of our last episode “Five-Fold, Twelve Gifts, Somebody’s Office? (A Bunch of Stuff We Need Clarity On…)” where we discuss Ephesians 4 and 1 Corinthians 12. Make sure to go back and listen to the first part if you haven't yet! In this episode, R.A. Martinez briefly explains apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists and how one might expect them to operate today.

