Oct. 14, 2020

52: Navigating the Current Political Climate

52: Navigating the Current Political Climate

In this episode, R.A.Martinez sits down with a few of our staff members to offer his thoughts on how we are to hold our hearts in the midst of the current political climate. Many believers are asking if and how we are to engage in the political...

In this episode, R.A.Martinez sits down with a few of our staff members to offer his thoughts on how we are to hold our hearts in the midst of the current political climate. Many believers are asking if and how we are to engage in the political conversation in America. This is an issue that cannot be answered in 140 characters; it must be sought out in the place of prayer and soaked in the word of God. The Bible speaks clearly to how we are to use our words and actions in a charged political atmosphere. This podcast episode is simply starting the conversation about how the scriptures are our navigational map through the storm.