March 2, 2021

62: Presidents, Politics, and Prophecy: Where Do We Go From Here?

62: Presidents, Politics, and Prophecy: Where Do We Go From Here?

We sat down with R.A. Martinez to try to answer the questions we have been receiving around politics and prophecy. It turned into a two-hour conversation about what prophecy is, what it isn’t, how to test prophecy, and what is a false prophet. ...

We sat down with R.A. Martinez to try to answer the questions we have been receiving around politics and prophecy. It turned into a two-hour conversation about what prophecy is, what it isn’t, how to test prophecy, and what is a false prophet. 
This episode is the second hour of that conversation on how we weigh and test prophecy and how prophecy should be particularly handled when it comes to political elections. If you haven’t listened to the first part of the conversation, we encourage you to go back and listen to that one to understand our theological approach to prophecy that informs our conclusions on the modern prophetic ministries and practices in this episode.