April 13, 2021

65: Destiny Destroyers: Renouncing Regret

65: Destiny Destroyers: Renouncing Regret

The Father has a glorious destiny for all those in Jesus. He is shaping us into whole hearted lovers of God, conforming us into the image of His Son and inviting us into fruit bearing assignments that will bring Him much glory on the earth. Satan is...

The Father has a glorious destiny for all those in Jesus. He is shaping us into whole hearted lovers of God, conforming us into the image of His Son and inviting us into fruit bearing assignments that will bring Him much glory on the earth. Satan is working to sow seeds in our lives that to steal, stall out, and minimize that destiny. 
In the first episode in this Destiny Destroyers series, R.A. Martinez and our VP of Care, Chris Carter explore the reconciliation that was accomplished through the finish work of the cross. That reconciliation has delivered us from regret. God is reconciling our history in order to catapult us into our destiny. Therefore, regret has no place in the new creation. Godly sorrow produces repentance. The enemy wants to co opt our Godly sorrow and insert a false narrative that will cause us not to repent but to regret.