Sept. 8, 2021

75: Where We Find Ourselves (Rev. 3: Laodicea)

75: Where We Find Ourselves (Rev. 3: Laodicea)

In this episode, R.A. Martinez and Billy Humphrey of GateCity Church in Atlanta discuss Jesus’ letter to the Church in Laodicea in Revelation 3 and where we, as the church, find ourselves in this hour. It is our resistance to our own blindness,...

In this episode, R.A. Martinez and Billy Humphrey of GateCity Church in Atlanta discuss Jesus’ letter to the Church in Laodicea in Revelation 3 and where we, as the church, find ourselves in this hour. It is our resistance to our own blindness, nakedness, and desperate need of God that Jesus is tenderly bringing to our attention so that we can realign ourselves with Him. If we turn to Him, He will give us gold, eye salve, and white garments. Jesus is longing to come in and dine with His church and lead us in the way of humility.