Dec. 21, 2021

83: Why Do We Observe Advent?

83: Why Do We Observe Advent?

Advent is a time on the liturgical calendar that we observe with the global Church. The word comes from the Latin “Adventus” which means “Coming”. Thus, it is a time to slow down and remember the First Coming of Jesus and to look forward in...

Advent is a time on the liturgical calendar that we observe with the global Church. The word comes from the Latin “Adventus” which means “Coming”. Thus, it is a time to slow down and remember the First Coming of Jesus and to look forward in anticipation for the Second Coming. During the weeks leading up to Christmas every year, our spiritual family at MAPS joins with millions of Christians from around the world to read the prophetic scriptures together in celebration of the virgin birth and in anticipation of the triumphant return of the King who is to come. In this episode, we dive into the WHYS behind Advent, analyze some church history, and examine how Christians have observed Advent since the first century.