Jan. 4, 2022

84: What Is My Calling? Can I Know For Sure? (Clarity On The Terms Calling, Assignment and Ministry)

84: What Is My Calling? Can I Know For Sure? (Clarity On The Terms Calling, Assignment and Ministry)

Have you ever asked the questions, “What Is My Calling?“, “Am I called to ministry?” Or “Where is my assignment?” We are here to help you figure out the answers! In this episode, we sat down and asked R.A. Martinez to clarify these...

Have you ever asked the questions, “What Is My Calling?“, “Am I called to ministry?” Or “Where is my assignment?” We are here to help you figure out the answers! In this episode, we sat down and asked R.A. Martinez to clarify these terms and how they apply to New Testament believers. He gives his definitions to these often confusing terms: “calling”, “assignment”, and “ministry”. Once we understand the distinctions between them, we can move forward with clarity. We hope this helps you and your friends to be able to jump on your destiny track and run hard after God with confidence in your calling, ministry and assignments!