Nov. 7, 2023

Brave Mom Sues the School

Brave Mom Sues the School

Amber Lavigne, a mom in Maine, was shocked to discover that her daughter's school hid critical information from her. When Amber's daughter sought mental health counseling at school, she was encouraged to change her gender identity and keep it secret from her family. After uncovering the dangerous secrets, Amber confronted school administrators, who refused to help her. Concerned for her daughter's health and safety and the other students in the school, Amber went public and sued.

Amber and her attorney, Adam Shelton with the Goldwater Institute, join the Moms for America Podcast to discuss the case. Parents across the country are facing similar discoveries. We believe that our schools are partners in helping our children thrive. However, when radical activists take over classrooms and school administration, our children are at risk. Listen to Amber's story. Unfortunately, there are many more like it.