Feb. 20, 2024

Father Fights to Raise Son

Father Fights to Raise Son

Harrison Tinsley and his four-year-old son, Sawyer, love spending time together playing sports, wrestling, and getting outside. In the years since his son's birth, Harrison and Sawyer's mother have come to a shared custody arrangement. Sawyer's mother has come to identify as "non-binary," a new term in radical gender ideology that means not male or female. She is now trying to raise her son as non-binary, too.

Harrison is adamant that his son knows he is a boy and loves being a boy. He is fighting for full custody to protect his son from a dangerous ideology that threatens his health and safety. How the court decides in cases like Harrison's can mean the difference between protecting the innocence of little children and allowing irreversible, lifelong damage. Never has it been a more important time to affirm parental rights.