Nov. 14, 2023

How Radical Feminism Hurt Women

How Radical Feminism Hurt Women

Radical activists are increasingly seeking to ignore women. Female athletes face discrimination, moms are told that they do not have a say in their children's education, and women are under increasing threat. Feminism, the very movement that was supposed to ensure women's equality and success, has led to a world in which women are being erased. 

To understand this topic, we're talking with Carrie Gress, a scholar, wife, and mother, whose latest book, "The End of Woman," explores this topic. Gress is the author of 10 books and the founder and co-editor of the online women's magazine Theology of Home. If you have ever been drawn to being a traditional wife and mother or if you have ever struggled to understand the feminist movement, you will be enlightened by this conversation!