Soon, my family will join Jews around the world to celebrate one of the most joyous holidays on the Jewish calendar—Purim, which commemorates the events written about in the Book of Esther . During the Purim celebration, Jewi...
If we want our children to live according to godly—not worldly—values, then courage is one of the most important values that we can pass down to them. Courage is celebrated each year during the biblical observance of Purim , ...
We live in a world that tells us that we have to be perfect. Perfect looks. Perfect house. Perfect life. But what if God’s blessings are found in our imperfections ? Join Yael Eckstein as she looks to what the Bible says—on h...
National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) is the world’s largest association of Christian communicators. Since the 1940s, NRB has worked tirelessly to help religious media outlets—in the U.S. and around the world. NRB strives for...
Tu B’Shvat is a Jewish holiday that’s considered the New Year of the Trees. Tu stands for the number 15, and Shvat is the name of the month in which the holiday falls. The fifteenth of Shvat , which falls in the winter, is th...
Six years ago, The Fellowship lost its beloved founder, and Yael Eckstein lost her beloved father. The sudden passing of Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein on February 6, 2019, left a hole in the hearts of so many—his family, his friends...
What does it really mean to be kind? The definition of kindness, according to Jewish thought, is not be as simple as we might think. On today’s podcast, host Yael Eckstein explores Jewish teachings from the Bible about what t...
On January 27, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, people around the world will remember the six million Jewish people who perished at the hands of the Nazis. This date was chosen, as it was on January 27, 1945, that ...
As we prepare to remember the light and life of a great leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we’d like to share some truly enlightening and inspiring words from his niece, Dr. Alveda King. In this podcast, Dr. King shares with...
It’s been said that if you win the morning, you win the day. On today’s podcast, host Yael Eckstein shares interesting insights on how we should approach each new day. And she does this by looking to the Bible—at a Jewish tea...
As people of faith, we often use the expression “walking with God.” But what does walking with God really mean? Having a close relationship with God probably means different things to different people. Some feel closest to Hi...
Does your family have any special holiday traditions during this festive time of year? Most of us do, including host Yael Eckstein, who shares her special family traditions for Hanukkah. Yael explains how this holiday inspire...
Why do you think that, during the darkest time of the year, the Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights? It’s not a coincidence. We celebrate light during this dark time of year because only against that back...
How do miracles happen? A miracle just takes one step of faith and God takes care of the rest! That’s what today’s episode is all about, as host Yael Eckstein looks at the story of the miracle of the oil. We learn how when re...
Hanukkah, a season of God’s light and miracles, is probably one of the most well-known Jewish holidays, primarily because of its proximity to Christmas. But do you know what miracles are remembered and celebrated during this ...
We all know that giving to those in need is important… but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. When we’re short on time or money—or both—it’s can be hard to give away what little we have. But on this podcast episode, host Yael Eckst...
What will your legacy be? Maybe it will be how successful you were in your career. Or maybe it will be how much you loved your family. In today’s episode, host Yael Eckstein turns to the Bible to show how we can leave behind ...
So, you want to make a real difference in the world… but you don’t know where or how to begin. As we’ll learn on today’s podcast, we can make a difference in the lives of others by simply asking, “How are you doing?” In a wor...
We are truly living in prophetic times as described in God’s Word, aren’t we? It began with the Book of Exodus, when God redeemed Israel from Egypt and promised to bring them home on “ eagles’ wings .” On today’s episode, hos...
“It has taken courage to birth these nations.” These words are an enduring theme in the life and work of Bishop E.W. Jackson—a pastor, an attorney, a U.S. Marine, and a Christian friend of Israel. A proud American who also st...
As the High Holy Days come to a close, Jews around the world spend one last day in an intense celebration with God before resuming their normal routines. Simchat Torah, which means “Rejoicing in the Torah ,” is unlike any oth...
Do you know the one holy day that the entire world will celebrate in Messianic times? According to the prophet Zechariah, it’s the Festival of Tabernacles, or as it’s called in Hebrew, Sukkot (Zechariah 4:16). Unity among all...
“I’m sorry.” It’s been said that these are two of the hardest words to say. We’ve all found ourselves needing to apologize… and dreading it. And we’ve all been hurt by someone who wouldn’t apologize for what they did. In this...
How many of us think about repentance as we celebrate and usher in a New Year on January 1? When Jews usher in the Jewish New Year on Rosh Hashanah , the main focus is on repentance, or teshuvah, which means to “return” to Go...