Feb. 6, 2022

The Three Keys to Unlocking Your Full Potential

The Three Keys to Unlocking Your Full Potential
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Nourish Your Biblical Roots with Yael Eckstein

If someone asked you, “What’s your special talent?”, what would you say? Unless we excel in some particular area, many of us might say we’re not talented at anything. But that couldn’t be further from the truth! As host Yael Eckstein shares with us today, God has invested in each one of us unique gifts and abilities. And He expects us to do something with the gifts He has given us. We all have something to contribute to the world and make it a better place. But how do we go about reaching our full potential and becoming all that God has created us to be? Yael examines the Scriptures and her Jewish faith to share three simple, but life-changing keys that will help you unlock your full potential. If you’ve ever felt stuck or that you haven’t yet made the most of your God-given abilities, this episode is for you! Listen now.

For more information on today’s episode visit mybiblicalroots.org.