May 29, 2022

Why We Should ALL Celebrate Jerusalem Day!

Why We Should ALL Celebrate Jerusalem Day!
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Nourish Your Biblical Roots with Yael Eckstein

Today, Jews in Israel celebrate Jerusalem Day — Yom Yerushalayim — commemorating the miraculous reunification of God’s Holy City in 1967. But as podcast host Yael Eckstein explains, we ALL — Christians and Jews — should celebrate Jerusalem Day! Not only is Jerusalem God’s designated place where His Temple once stood and will someday stand again, but as we read in Psalm 137:5, “If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill.” God does not want us to forget His eternal capital! In today’s special Jerusalem Day episode, Yael explores the spiritual significance of Jerusalem and why its historical reunification following the Six-Day War in 1967 is so important. We ALL need to recognize what God has done and is doing in Jerusalem in our times… and why both Christians and Jews should give Him thanks and praise for His miracles! Check out our resource page on "What Is Jerusalem Day?" on our Learning Center for more information.