June 2, 2023

A God Who Loves to Bless

A God Who Loves to Bless
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Out of Zion with Susan Michael

We serve a God who loves to bless His people. The Bible is full of examples of this going all the way back to Abraham. God so wanted His people blessed that he instructed the High Priest Aaron how to pronounce blessing over them. Known as the Aaronic or Priestly Blessing, these verses are some of the most popular in the Hebrew Bible. They are also the oldest-known biblical text found in Israel, attesting to their popularity throughout time.

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Show Links:

Vesna Buehler singing the Aaronic/Priestly Blessing: https://Youtu.be/cptUFRwuD-U Online Courses: www.ICEJU.org Books: www.embassypublishers.com Tour Interest: www.icejusa.org/tours

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A God Who Loves to Bless (Out of Zion Episode #181)

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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We serve a God that loves to bless His people. His desire to bless His people

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is seen throughout the Bible, but I'm just going to reference two places,

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beginning with Abraham and with today's Torah reading. So welcome to this week's

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Shabbat Shalom devotional when I seek to share just a little inspiration and

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bring a little peace to the close of your very busy week. So this week's Torah

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portion is from the book of Numbers starting with chapter 4 verse 21

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through 789. And right smack dab in the middle of this week's reading is one of

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the most popular scriptures of the whole Hebrew Bible. This is what we call the

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priestly blessing or the Aaronic blessing. So let me go back in Genesis

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where God tells Abraham to follow him. He says that if you will follow me to the

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land I will show you, I will bless you and you will be a blessing and I will

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bless those who bless you and through you I will bless all the families of the

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earth. That is a whole lot of blessing and that shows God's desire is to bless

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his people. So now we have here in Numbers the children of Israel they're

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still in the wilderness in the Sinai Desert. They are preparing to enter the

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Promised Land and take possession of that promise that God had made to Abraham.

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But God is instructing them on various ways in the Tabernacle how to approach

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him, how to live in his presence because he's a holy God. And here he instructs

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the high priest Aaron to bless the people. That's God wants his people blessed

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and so he tells the priest to bless the people and to say this. It says that the

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Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be

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gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

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So shall you, speaking to Aaron, put my name on the children of Israel and I will

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bless them. Do you know that this scripture is the oldest Hebrew text from

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the Bible ever found? Yes there was a little amulet. You know an amulet is

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something that people would wear around their neck or on their body and they

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found an amulet from the first temple period which means it's from about 600

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BC which means it's about 2,600 years old. And what was written in it in Hebrew

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put inside that little amulet but it was these words taken from number six, the

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priestly blessing. Isn't that neat? Now the priestly blessing comes in pairs so

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the first blessing is may the Lord bless you and keep you. Blessing means a

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provision, maybe a financial provision or prosperity of some way a blessing to

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you but then may he keep you. In other words may he preserve you in that state

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of blessing that you not make a mistake, that you not take it for granted, that

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that you not lose it. So the Lord bless you and keep you. To shine His light upon

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you is like an intellectual thing and to give you grace along with that. That

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you would have His light to shine upon you, His light of wisdom, His light of

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knowledge, His light of direction in your life but also give you grace that

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if you don't follow it perfectly that His grace would be there. And then the

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third blessing is the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.

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This countenance upon you is like His special relationship and that with that

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comes peace. Peace through covenantal love. When we walk in relationship with

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Him that's when we can really know His peace. Isn't that beautiful? Such a

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beautiful blessing. And you know every morning a religious Jewish man begins

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his Torah study with this very verse of blessing. So I want to share with you

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in today's show notes a link to a beautiful song and I want you to listen

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to it and just let the blessing of the Lord fill your heart and your life

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because you serve a God that loves to bless and He wants to bless you with His

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peace. With that I wish you Shabbat Shalom.