Dec. 30, 2022

A People Set Apart

A People Set Apart
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Out of Zion with Susan Michael

As we assess our lives and make new year’s resolutions, let’s learn an important lesson found in this week’s Torah reading. God used Joseph to save his family from famine, but it meant moving them to Egypt. Joseph knew the dangers of the paganism of Egypt, so he ensured Pharoah would look down upon his family and thereby be separated from Egyptian society. This wise move guaranteed the survival of the children of Israel as a people. The message is clear not to look for affirmation or inclusion from a godless society but be set apart for His purposes.

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The Torah is the name of the first five books of the Bible. In Hebrew the word Torah means "instruction." The Torah is rich in lessons that we can all benefit from so join Susan each week as her Shabbat Shalom devotionals will be based on the Torah portion read that week in synagogues all around the world.

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A People Set Apart (Out of Zion Episode #158)

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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Well the holidays are winding down and it's time to start preparing ourselves

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for the new year and all of our new year's resolutions and to prepare our hearts

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we're going to catch up on our last tour portions which have an important lesson

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an appropriate lesson for us. So welcome to this week's Shabbat Shalom devotional

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when I seek to share just a little inspiration and bring a little piece to

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the close of your very busy week. Well we paused our tour reading the last two

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weeks in order to deal with the subjects of Hanukkah and then Christmas. So this

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week we're going to play catch up we're going to cover ten whole chapters from

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Genesis chapter 37 to chapter 47 and this is the story of Joseph. We all know

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the story we heard it in Sunday school we heard it when we were children but

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Joseph had some dreams and which seemed to say that he was going to be greater

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than his brothers and even his father and this caused a lot of jealousy and

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hatred and bitterness so his brothers ended up selling Joseph into slavery.

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He's taken to Egypt and there he is bought as a slave by Potiphar and he's

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working in Potiphar's house where he is then falsely accused by Potiphar's

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wife and he's put into prison but yet in prison he begins to interpret dreams and

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so next thing we know Potiphar has a dream and he needs or I should say

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Pharaoh has a dream and he needs it interpreted so they call upon Joseph

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and this is the beginning of Joseph's rise to power. Well he begins to prepare

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Egypt during seven years of plenty for seven years of famine that God has

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showed him are ahead and sure enough the famine begins and his brothers come down

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from Canaan in order to buy grain. He plays with them and then finally he

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reveals to them he is their lost brother Joseph and he tells them to bring their

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father Jacob which they do and he comes to live in the land of Egypt. So there's

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so many lessons so many things we could talk about in that story. So I want to

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focus on a lesson at the very end of the story of this week's reading. It's that

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Joseph knew the dangers of the pagan Egyptian society. He had grown up in it

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and he knew that for the survival of his family they needed to be apart from the

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Egyptians and he knew that they must stay out of the influence of this society.

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They should not assimilate into it and be lost as a people. So he tells them that

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when they go before Pharaoh what to say and we're going to read it in in chapter

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46 verse 33 and 34. So it should be when Pharaoh calls you and says what is your

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occupation that you shall say your servant's occupation has been with

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livestock from our youth even till now both we and also our fathers that you

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may dwell in the land of Goshen for every shepherd is an abomination to the

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Egyptians. Now this is interesting. Joseph is telling them to claim to be a

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people that are an abomination or are loathsome to the Egyptians. He wanted to

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keep his family separate from the Egyptians. Yes this separateness would

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place them into the very fertile land of Goshen where they were going to

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prosper. But verse 34 says that Joseph didn't do it for the fertile land. He

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he told them to do it because they would be looked down upon by the Egyptians.

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They would be set apart and kept separate. Remember we talked earlier about how

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that holy means to be set apart for God's purposes. Here the Israelites were set

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apart for his purpose. Otherwise they may have assimilated. They might have

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intermarried. They may have lost their faith and been swallowed up in the people

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of Egypt. Joseph did not just feed his people and save them that way but he

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played and he also placed them in a fertile area. But most importantly he

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kept them separate and apart for their survival. Now as we look ahead at 2023 I

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think we need to ask ourselves are we seeking affirmation and inclusion by a

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godless and sinful world or are we happy to be looked down upon and to live

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separately where we can obey and follow our God and live according to his

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righteousness. These are good questions as we're facing a new year and something

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to ponder over this weekend. And with that I'm going to wish you a Shabbat Shalom.