Sept. 29, 2023

A Reason to Celebrate

A Reason to Celebrate
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Out of Zion with Susan Michael

The Feast of Tabernacles is the one feast in which the children of Israel were commanded to rejoice for a whole week! It is also the feast that is prophesied to be celebrated by all the nations during the Messianic era. There is much symbolism found in the activities during the Feast of Tabernacles and is full of reasons for celebration.

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A Reason to Celebrate (Out of Zion Episode #200)

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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The Feast of Tavernacles is the one feast of the Lord in which the children of Israel were commanded to rejoice for a whole week.

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And it is the one feast that was prophesied. It would one day be celebrated by the nations in the Messianic era.

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So there is much symbolism in the activities during the Feast of Tavernacles. And there are many reasons for celebration.

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So welcome to this week's Shabbat Shalom devotional when I seek to share a little inspiration and bring a little piece to the close of your very busy week.

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We don't have a Torah portion this week because we're talking about the Feast of Tavernacles.

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But I want to know that down below in today's show notes, we link to our monthly magazine in which we're doing a 12 part series on all the Feast of the Lord.

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So please sign up today for our Word from Jerusalem magazine so you can get these 12 articles on the Feast of the Lord.

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So at the Feast of Trumpets, we said two weeks ago that the shofar would sound to awaken our souls to a time of awe and introspection.

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And as preparing us for the time where we would stand before the Lord and then on Yom Kippur, we would stand before the Lord and the verdict would be delivered.

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Whether we were able to be worthy of His grace.

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And if we did pass muster, if our sins were covered, it was time to rejoice in the blessings of God and His presence in our midst at the Feast of Tavernacles.

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Now the word tavernacles in Hebrew is Sukkot and it means booths.

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And it refers to those temporary dwellings that the children of Israel lived in when they were wandering in the desert in the wilderness.

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And now they were to erect these temporary dwellings every year to remember that wilderness season, not just the suffering of it, but God's miraculous provisions to them during that time.

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So this biblical holiday is to last for seven days and it has a dual significance.

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They were to celebrate God's provisions to the Israelites during the wilderness wanderings, but they were also to celebrate His provisions today in the form of an abundant harvest, another sign of God's provision.

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So as a result, it's the one Feast of the Year which the people were commanded to rejoice.

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They're to rejoice over His miraculous provisions for them both in the wilderness and currently.

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But the Feast of Tavernacles also looks forward to a day when there would be a harvest of souls into the kingdom from the nations.

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Now it's very interesting in the book of Numbers when it describes the Feast of Tavernacles, the priests are supposed to make 70 sacrifices during that week.

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And there's no explanation why, but rabbinic tradition has it that the 70 represented the number of known nations in the world at the time.

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So there was an atonement, there was intercession being made on behalf of the nations every year. Isn't that interesting?

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And even today there's no temple and there's no sacrifices.

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But the Jewish people developed another tradition and they take the four species in their hands and they wave them in the four directions north, south, east and west while they speak blessings.

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So no surprise that this is the Feast that will one day be celebrated by the nations according to the prophet Zechariah.

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And this explains why the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem began celebrating this Feast back in 1980.

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You know, at that time, nobody even knew what the Feast of Tavernacles was about. There were no churches talking about it. Nobody was celebrating it.

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And so this group of Christians living in Jerusalem said, hey, we need to start celebrating the Feast of Tavernacles and preparing for that day when that prophecy is fulfilled.

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And since then, there's now an understanding of the Feast all around the world and churches all around the world now will celebrate the Feast of Tavernacles in some way.

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All those churches from the north to south, the east and the west.

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So there is much rich spiritual symbolism in the Feast traditions.

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They indicate that it is a celebration of a great harvest of the nations and the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth when God will come to Tabernacle with man.

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That's when the Messiah's feet will stand on the Mount of Olives and his visible kingdom will break into this world.

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This will be an age of unparalleled joy over the largest harvest of souls from around the world and their deliverance from evil and the arrival of the Kingdom of God on earth.

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So Christians are beginning to celebrate this Feast now because they've come to understand it's a celebration of the taste of the Kingdom of God we have in our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

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But it's also a celebration of that day that will come when described in Revelation 21 verse 3 when God will Tabernacle with man.

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And that my friend is worth celebrating.

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And with that I wish you Shabbat Shalom.