April 19, 2022

Connecting the Bible to Today Part 6: The Story is Not Over

Connecting the Bible to Today Part 6: The Story is Not Over
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Out of Zion with Susan Michael

For many Christians there is a disconnect between the Bible—especially the Old Testament—and today. To remedy this we must understand the story of the Bible, its major players, and that the story was birthed in eternity and will not end until eternity. What a privilege to live in this generation in which we see God setting the stage for the ultimate fulfillment of all His plans and promises.

Show Links:

Connecting the Bible to Today Part 1: Judaism - https://youtu.be/y0Vpapfg2Z8

Connecting the Bible to Today Part 2: Christianity - https://youtu.be/HkrjCyhR15Y

Connecting the Bible to Today Part 3: Antisemitism - https://youtu.be/dRr6uyhtaKc

Connecting the Bible to Today Part 4: Founding of Israel - https://youtu.be/Xq5tMfKC0Ms

Connecting the Bible to Today Part 5: Modern Israel - https://youtu.be/m-QrfPZRREg

The Story of the Bible (3D Bible Part 3) - https://youtu.be/tc3i1gNz9JA

Walk Thru the Bible - How To Start - https://youtu.be/rV3xltUOhMo

Free Downloadable: 10 Reasons Christians Should Stand with Israel - https://icejusa.org/10reasons-ooz

Sign up for our Israel Tour Interest List - https://icejusa.org/outofzion-tour

Visit our educational website: http://www.israelanswers.com

Please partner with Susan to make this type of educational resource available to others, as the prophet Isaiah envisioned: “For out of Zion shall go forth the law, And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem” (Isaiah 2:3). Donate now - https://icejusa.org/support-israel-1/

Sign up for emails about upcoming shows: http://www.outofzionshow.com

More info on Susan: http://www.icejusa.org/susans-blog




Free Downloadable: 10 Reasons Christians Should Stand with Israel - https://icejusa.org/10reasons-ooz

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Well, hey there. Welcome to the final part of our Connecting the Bible to Today series.

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You know, for many Christians there is a disconnect between the Bible and today, especially between

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the Old Testament and today. Well, for some Christians there is even a disconnect between

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the Old Testament and the New Testament. So I want to connect the dots for you because

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the story that began in Genesis is still going on today.

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Welcome to the Israel Answers series, Connecting Israel, the Bible, and You. Join Susan Michael

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as she explores timely issues and current events from a scriptural perspective to equip

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the Christian world with a balanced and biblical response. Be sure to subscribe for future

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episodes which will ignite your faith in bringing the Bible to life in your everyday world.

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Now, let's join Susan with your Israel Answers.

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We often have this idea in the Christian Church that God finished with the Jews in the Old

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Testament and sort of gave up on them. In the New Testament we have a new plan with

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the New People, the Church. But the plan or story that began in Genesis is not over.

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It's still being written today. And Paul said in Romans 11, when speaking of the Jewish

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people specifically, that the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. So what is this story

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that began in Genesis? Well, I don't have time to tell you the whole story today, but

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I'm going to link in our show notes to a previous episode where I do just that. But what I want

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to do in our short time today is to connect that story to today. That story is the story

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of God's love for the world, His plan to redeem the world. And it's also a story of

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the battle against God's plan. And central to this story is the calling and the role

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of the Jewish people. Now, the calling of Israel is not because God loves them more

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than any other people. God did not line up all the peoples of the earth and say, okay,

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I like this people better than all the rest, so I choose them. No, God did not choose them

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above the other peoples. He created them to be His people and to fulfill the purpose

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of bringing His plan of redemption to the world. So the story that we read in Genesis

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actually began before the creation of the world. And I want you to understand this.

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In Ephesians 1, verses 4 and 5, it says this, Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation

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of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined

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us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself according to the good pleasure of

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His will. So the story that we begin reading about in Genesis, the creation of the world,

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is actually not the beginning of the story. It's from eternity. It's from before the

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creation of the world. And then I have to say in Revelation 13, 8, it even refers to

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the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world. So what does this mean? It means

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that Jesus was always destined to die on our behalf on the cross. So there was no Old

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Testament plan and New Testament plan. There was not a plan A and a plan B. Jesus was always

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plan A. We were predestined to be adopted into the family through Christ Jesus. Well, how

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does that happen? But through His death. So God was not surprised by Israel's rejection

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of Jesus. In fact, He used it to carry out the plan. And the apostle Paul says it's

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because of their rejection that the gospel went to the Gentiles. So the point is this,

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God is so much greater than our failures. His promises are true and He will fulfill

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His word, His will, His promises. So the story of the Bible is really the story of the people

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of Israel. From that story, we learn so much about God, about His requirements, about how

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He engages His people. In the New Testament, we add to that story a new people, believers

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in Jesus, a one new man made up of both Jews and Gentiles. When the New Testament comes

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to an end, both the Jewish people and the Christians are scattered throughout the Roman

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Empire. The two groups developed into two very separate and different faiths. I've

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already talked about that in part one and two of this series. Great animosity even developed

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between the two groups. And anti-Semitism has pursued the Jewish people and even used

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the Christian Church in this pursuit. I talked about that in part three. But God, the creator

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of the universe, the sovereign God over all of history and above all principalities and

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powers has brought the Jewish people back to their homeland after 2,000 years of exile.

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I talked about this in part four and five of this series. He has begun to fulfill everything

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that He promised to the Israelites back in Sinai, all what the Hebrew prophets have predicted.

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So the point I want to make today is this, that the story that we read in Genesis to

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the Revelation began before Genesis and it is continuing after the book of Revelation

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was written. And the New Testament was closed. The story is not over. God did not take a

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break after John wrote the book of Revelation. He has been busy at work preparing the world

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for the ultimate fulfillment of the promises. The covenants are about to see their ultimate

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fulfillment. The Abrahamic covenant, God's promises to Abraham of a land, a people and

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a mission to bless the world. The Mosaic covenant in which He promised the Jewish people certain

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blessings in return for their relationship with Him. The Davidic covenant in which He

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promised to David an everlasting throne and a descendant of David to sit on that throne.

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And the New Testament that Jesus cut for us with His own blood, all of these wait the

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ultimate fulfillment and the prophecies of Isaiah and Zechariah are all going to be

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fulfilled. So what a privilege it is to live in this generation. God is bringing His people

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back to the land. He is setting the stage for the fulfillment of all of His promises,

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all of His covenants, and it is the final and great act of history. Now when you get

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this in your gut, in your spirit, that is the day that the Bible becomes the most exciting

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book on the planet. It stands up and it comes alive. It goes 3D. If this has not yet happened

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for you, I urge you to listen to my 3D Bible series and then take the year-long walk through

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the Bible series. I promise you will never be the same. Now in today's show notes, I

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am going to link to you these resources. I want you to listen to the whole connecting

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the Bible to today's series. I want you to listen to the 3D Bible episode about the story

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of the Bible. I want you to make a commitment of that year-long walk through the Bible.

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Let's see the Bible come alive to you. Let's see it impact your life today because it is

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so true and it is so exciting. So thank you for joining me with this series. Please subscribe

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to this channel, sign up for our weekly email. I want to stay in touch with you and I will

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see you back here next week as we continue Israel Answers.

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Well hey, give me one more minute. I have two very special offers for you. First is all

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you ladies out there. We have scheduled a women's tour to Israel this November, November

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2nd through the 12th. I invite you to go with me to the land of the Bible. Let's walk the

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land, let's talk the Bible, let's have our faith restored and ignited and strengthened

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for the days in which we live. To sign up, I want you to go down below into today's show

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notes and sign up for our tour interest list. We will send you all the information or if

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it's easier, just call our tour's department line at 866-393-5890. That's 866-393-5890.

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I want to travel Israel with you. Now my second offer is a free download that we have developed

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just for you called 10 Reasons for Christians to Support Israel. Over the coming weeks,

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I'm going to be talking about a lot of these reasons, but I want you to have this download

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so that you can be preparing yourself, that you can share it with your friends and colleagues

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and invite them to listen in each week as I will be going over some of these reasons

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and going a little bit farther into depth. So in today's show notes, we link directly

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to this downloadable 10 reasons why Christians should support Israel. Or you can go to the

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out-of-zion-show.com landing page, click on Resources and we should have a link there

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for you as well. So take advantage of this free download and I will see you back here

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next week, fully informed, ready to learn some more. Until then, God bless.