Oct. 21, 2022

Did God Really Say That?

Did God Really Say That?
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Out of Zion with Susan Michael

Do you or someone you know express doubts about the Bible being true? You might have heard someone ask “you really think it is God’s Word?” or “You really think God said that?” Sometimes a person expressing these doubt thinks they are much more intelligent and wiser than all those previous generations who believed the Bible. When in reality, they are the ones expressing archaic and outdated ideas going back to the garden of Eden.

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Show Links:

Torah Portions :https://icejusa.org/torah-portions/

The Torah is the name of the first five books of the Bible. In Hebrew the word Torah means "instruction." The Torah is rich in lessons that we can all benefit from so join Susan each week as her Shabbat Shalom devotionals will be based on the Torah portion read that week in synagogues all around the world.

Please partner with Susan to make this type of educational resource available to others, as the prophet Isaiah envisioned: “For out of Zion shall go forth the law, And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem” (Isaiah 2:3). Donate now - https://icejusa.org/support-israel-1/

Sign up for emails about upcoming shows: http://www.outofzionshow.com More info on Susan Michael: http://www.icejusa.org/susans-blog http://www.icejusa.org http://www.instagram.com/outofzion_icej/ http://www.facebook.com/susanmichaelicej/about/

Did God Really Say That? (Out of Zion Episode #148)

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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Well, hey, have you or someone you know ever expressed doubts about the Bible being true?

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You might have heard someone ask, well, do you really think God said that or you really

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think that's God's word?

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Sometimes a person is expressing doubt, thinks that they're actually more intelligent than

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the rest of us or generations of Christians who have believed that the Bible was true.

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And in reality, they're expressing archaic and outdated ideas.

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So welcome to this week's Shabbat Shalom devotional.

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When I seek to share just a little inspiration, bring a little piece to the close of your

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very busy week.

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This week we begin reading through the Torah with the Jewish community.

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We will go through it in a year and each week my Shabbat Shalom devotional will just come

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in on one little verse or one little thought from this week's reading.

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So this week's reading begins with Genesis 1 and goes through chapter 6 verse 8.

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This reading is called Brashit, which is the Hebrew word that the Scripture begins with.

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Genesis 1, 1, the very first word is brashit and it means in the beginning.

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So we read this week about the creation of the world, about the creation of man and woman,

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Adam and Eve, and how that God tells them that they can eat from any tree in the garden

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except one, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

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And if they eat from that tree, that they will die.

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Now in chapter 3 verse 1 it says this, Now the serpent was more crafty than many of

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the wild animals the Lord God had made.

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He said to the woman, Did God really say, you must not eat from any tree in the garden,

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and that seed of doubt affected the woman?

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Did God really say that question, that doubt turned into disobedience and Adam and Eve

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lost it all?

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So did God really say, you know?

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God spoke the world into being.

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His word is so powerful and his word is true.

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Now curious minds may ask this question, but also rebellious hearts will use that question

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as an excuse, an excuse not to obey, an excuse not to believe it.

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But in the Christian Bible the very last book is called Revelation.

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And in Revelation 19 the John the writer of Revelation has a vision and it's of Christ

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returned to the earth and he returns on a white horse, victorious, and his name is the

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word of God.

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So the Bible begins with the seed of doubt.

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Is that really what God said?

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That it ends in Revelation with proof of the power and the victorious word of God that

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God's promises are true and we can depend on him to fulfill them.

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So with that I want to wish you a Shabbat Shalom and I really encourage you to download

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our little guide of the Torah readings for each week over the next year so that you can

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read along with me each week and then I'll see you back here each Friday afternoon for

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a Shabbat Shalom devotional.

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God bless.