April 8, 2022

Real Rest

Real Rest
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Out of Zion with Susan Michael

Not only did God create the heavens and earth he created rest—a beautiful state of peace and tranquility. That is the life He intended for us all along. But true rest for our souls is only found in being forgiven of our sins through Christ Jesus and receiving the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. So Sabbath rest actually pointed to our need for salvation and the rest that only Jesus can provide.

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Real Rest (Out of Zion Episode #99)

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Well, hey there. On the seventh day, God finished his work. That's from Genesis 2, verse 2.

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Well, I thought that God finished creation on the sixth day and then rested on the seventh.

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So what does that mean? Well, stick with me and I want to welcome you to this week's

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Shabbat Shalom devotional where I just try to share a little inspiration and bring a

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little piece to the close of your very busy week. Let's read that verse in its entirety.

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Genesis 2, verses 2 to 3. And on the seventh day, God ended his work which he had done. And he

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rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done. Then God blessed the seventh day

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and sanctified it because in it he rested from all of his work which God had created and made.

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You know, the ancient rabbis taught that just as heaven and earth were created in six days,

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that rest was created on the seventh day. Now, that's an interesting thought, isn't it? We think

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of rest in negative terms that it's the absence of something, it's the absence of labor and work,

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the absence of strife and maybe fighting, distrust or fear. But the Hebrew word,

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menuhah, or menuhah, means much more than that. And creation was actually incomplete without it.

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So what is this menuhah that was created on the seventh day? According to Rabbi Abraham Heschel,

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menuhah is a positive term. It's a state of tranquility, of serenity, peace and repose. It is

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the essence of a good life. So not only did God create heavens and earth, He created a beautiful

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state of peace, tranquility and rest. That is the life He intended for you and me. So this weekend,

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when you're going to take a little rest, don't just take rest from your labor or your work,

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but actually enter into that state of peace and tranquility and rest that God created just for

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you. Now how can you know this state? How can you enter into true peace and tranquility? Well,

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it's by knowing the Creator of God, being forgiven for your sins and trespasses by Christ Jesus,

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and receiving the power of the Holy Spirit into your life. That is when you will enter into the

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true spiritual rest and the good life. So what this means is that the Sabbath rest was actually a

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forerunner or a shadow of our state of salvation and actually even of eternal life. There is so

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much more that I could unpack there, but with that I'm just going to bring this week to a close,

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and I'm going to wish you a Shabbat Shalom.