July 8, 2022

Rest for Your Soul

Rest for Your Soul
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Out of Zion with Susan Michael

We are all yoked to something. If you are feeling weary and burned out, you must have allowed something to become master that is draining you. Jesus promised that if you take his yoke—attach yourself to Him as Lord and master, you will find rest for your soul. He is gentle, and humble, and will teach you His ways. As you serve Him, you will be strengthened and renewed.

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Rest for Your Soul (Out of Zion Episode #125)

Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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Well hey, are you in need of some rest? Are you feeling weary, overwhelmed, maybe

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burned out? Sounds like you need a little rest and peace. Jesus said that He gives

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rest for your soul. Sound good? Well stay tuned. Welcome to this week's Shabbat Shalom

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devotional when I try to share just a little inspiration and bring a little

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piece to the close of your very busy week. You know several weeks ago I talked

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about the importance of rest and that rest is a state of peace that God designed

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for us. Today I want to talk about Jesus's offer of rest for your soul and

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how to attain it. Let's read Matthew 11 verses 28 and 29. This is from the NIV.

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Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take

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my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you

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will find rest for your souls. So if you're feeling burdened, weary, overwhelmed,

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this is the verse for you. The answer is to come to Jesus. But then He explains

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just what exactly that means. It means He said to take His yoke upon Him and to

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learn from Him and you will find rest. That He will give you rest for your soul.

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What does it mean to take on His yoke? It means to attach yourself to Him, submit

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your life to Him and make Him Lord of your life. You know we're all yoked to

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something. There's something out there that is Lord over our life. It may be an

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area of sin. It might be a job. It might be a materialistic lifestyle that we

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just need more money. We need this. We need that and it controls us and it

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drives us. All these ungodly yokes are a heavy burden and they make us very

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weary. They're always taking from us and not building us up and that can be

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exhausting. So when you take on Jesus's yoke though and serve and follow Him,

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then yes you're still working. You're still plowing the field but you're

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serving someone who is kind, who is gentle, and who gives. He doesn't just take

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and He will teach you the right way to walk and to work and to plow. He's not

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going to overload you but He will invite you to do more as His servant. He'll be

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kind and gentle and He's the best boss in the world and He'll give rest to your

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weary soul. So this Shabbat, come to Jesus and lay your burdens down before Him.

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Then commit yourself to Him and take on His yoke. It's gentle and kind and

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humble and you'll find rest for your soul. And with that I wish you Shabbat Shalom.