Sept. 23, 2022

The Feast of Trumpets

The Feast of Trumpets
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Out of Zion with Susan Michael

The first of the fall feasts in the Bible begin with Yom Teruah – the day of shouting or loud noise on which trumpets were blown. This Feast of Trumpets was used to call the people to attention and begin a 10 day period of introspection and repentance in preparation for the great Day of Atonement. While we should live our lives in a state of introspection and be quick to ask forgiveness for our mistakes and sins it is a beautiful annual tradition to stop our busy lives and take an accounting. One day that great heavenly trumpet with sound and we all want to be ready.

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The Feast of Trumpets (Out of Zion Episode #144)

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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Hey, can you hear the trumpets yet? They're about to start blowing as this week marks

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the biblical feast, Yom Teruah, which is also known as the Feast of Trumpets. It's got great

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meaning of the blowing of the trumpet. So what is it? Stick with me. And welcome to this

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week's Shabbat Shalom devotional. When I seek to share just a little inspiration and

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bring a little piece to the close of your very busy week. In the Bible, the first day of the

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seventh month is called Yom Teruah, the day of shouting, literally. But it means the day of a

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great noise, which can be the blowing of trumpets as well. In some verses, it's translated as

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shouting and in others, it's blowing of the trumpet. The idea is, is to be a great noise that

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you would find in a gathering of a lot of people. So over the centuries and the millennia, this

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holiday not only took on the name Feast of Trumpets, because the trumpets were blown in, but also

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as Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Now, you know, celebrating a new year in the seventh

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month never made a lot of sense to me. And I really couldn't piece it all together until I

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realized that the New Year part of this celebration is not found in the Bible. It was added on in

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later generations. So today, I just want to talk about the biblical Yom Teruah and the blowing

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of trumpets. So today, the Jewish community celebrates this holiday as a two day holiday.

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And it's a day of prayer in the synagogue with the blowing of shofars. And they also eat apples

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dipped in honey to signify their wish for a sweet coming year. Now, the biblical meaning of Yom Teruah,

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meaning the making a great sound, the day of a great sound or the day of a great blowing. So I want

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to take a minute to talk about the blowing of the trumpet, which is sometimes in the Bible, a

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shofar, a ram's horn, and other times it can be a silver trumpet. Shofars were blown to call the

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people to attention, to call them to come meet with their God. The Hebrew prophets also said that

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the trumpet was going to sound to announce that future day of the Lord, which was a day of judgment.

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It was a day of significance. In the New Testament book of Revelation, every judgment is preceded by

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a blowing of the trumpet. And the apostle Paul said that the trumpet will sound at the return of

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Jesus. So the blowing of the trumpet is a very serious event. It is somber. It's to get our

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attention. You could call it God's alarm clock. It is to get us up, wake us up, and get our attention

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back on him. So Yom Teruah is also the beginning of a ten-day process of repentance and reflection.

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It's known as the ten days of awe. And on the tense day is the day of atonement, what we call

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Yom Kippur. So to be ready for that day of atonement, this ten days of reflection and repentance is

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very necessary. And the blowing of the trumpets sets that into action. The feast of trumpets is

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calling the people to attention. God is wanting to meet with his people. And that means we need to

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repent. We need to get our lives right and be prepared to meet with God. What a beautiful tradition.

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You know that every year we would go through a period of self-reflection like that and actually go

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to our friends and our family and ask forgiveness for anyone that we may have hurt. You know,

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we Christians are supposed to do this before we take communion in church. But I always struggle

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because if there's someone that I may have hurt, or that I have a broken relationship with, they're

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not there with me in church. And that means that for me to not take communion in order to go to

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them, it means a month later or the next time my church serves communion. Whereas here, every year

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you begin this process and you have ten days to get it right. And then the day of atonement begins.

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So as you take a little break this weekend, listen for the trumpet in your spirit calling you to

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attention and begin a period of taking an assessment of your life. Because one day that trumpet will

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sound for real and the whole world is going to hear it. And we need to be ready. So this is a

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wonderful opportunity to begin to prepare ourselves for that one blowing of the trumpet

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that we so look forward to. So next time I'm going to talk to you about the day of atonement. But

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until then, I wish you Shabbat Shalom.