April 29, 2022

The Holocaust: An Attempt to Stop God

The Holocaust: An Attempt to Stop God
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Out of Zion with Susan Michael

Holocaust Remembrance Day is being observed this week in Israel and around the world. It is a painful day, and our hearts should break over the senseless death and carnage the Jewish people suffered. Be certain of this one thing: God did not cause it. Evil men empowered by Satan did. They wanted to stop what God had promised and had already begun—the return of the Jewish people to their homeland. But evil failed, and just three years after the end of WWII the State of Israel was born.

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Well Holocaust Remembrance Day is being observed this week in Israel and around

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the world. It is a very painful time for the Jewish people and it's one that

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often elicits questions about where was God in the Holocaust. I just want to take

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a quick moment and share a thought with you today. So welcome to this week's

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Shabbat Shalom devotional. When I try to share just a little inspiration and

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bring a little peace to the close of your very busy week. You know the Holocaust

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is not a subject that can be covered in a three-minute devotional nor is this

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depressing subject one that is usually used to bring inspiration or peace. But I

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want to share just one thought with you that actually you might actually find to

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be encouraging. You know the Holocaust happened within a certain context and

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that is when it begins to make sense. When we understand the context was the

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return of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland and the founding of the

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state of Israel. God had been at work for several hundred years getting

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everything in place. One of the pieces was the birth of the Zionist movement

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under the leadership of Theodore Herzl and he organized the very first

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Zionist Congress in 1897 and at that Congress he stated almost prophetically

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that within 50 years they would have a Jewish state. Now as those 50 years began

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to tick by the rise of the Nazi movement in Germany resulted in World War II and

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not only the murder of six million Jews but actually 50 million people died in

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the carnage of World War II. It was evil men at their worst and they destroyed

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Europe and themselves in the quest to rid the world of the Jewish people. Now my

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personal opinion is this was just the devil's attempt to stop the Jewish

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return to their ancient homeland. The good news is that the Holocaust could not

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stop God. Just three years after the end of World War II Israel was born. Now my

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heart breaks for the death and the carnage that evil caused but be certain

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God did not cause it. Evil men empowered by Satan himself wanted to stop God and

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what he had promised to do and what he had set in motion to do but they failed.

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When the 50 years was up almost to the very day the United Nations voted to

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allow the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine and six months later the state

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of Israel was born. Not only was Herzl prophetic but the ancient Hebrew

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prophet Ezekiel described the situation perfectly in his vision of the valley of

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dry bones. I believe this prophecy was God's way of letting us know he had seen

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it coming all along but in the end he would restore his people to their

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ancient homeland and breathe life in them again. Evil would not win. This weekend

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as you take a little Shabbat rest take a look at Ezekiel 37 the valley of dry

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bones and realize we serve a God that is so great and he sees the end from the

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beginning. May that bring you a little bit of inspiration and a little bit of

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peace at the end of this week and I wish you Shabbat Shalom.