May 3, 2022

Why Christians Support Israel Part 1: Personal Reasons?

Why Christians Support Israel Part 1: Personal Reasons?
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Out of Zion with Susan Michael

Millions of Christians have visited Israel and had the life-transforming experience of their Bible coming alive. They returned home appreciative of the warm welcome they had received, the freedom of access to the Christian sites they enjoyed, as well as Israel’s care and preservation of those sites and their archaeological artifacts. Tourism is not the only reason for Christians to support Israel—the Christian minority in Israel is flourishing unlike in the rest of the Middle East. For all these reasons every Christian should be appreciative and support the Jewish State.

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Why Christians Support Israel Part 1: Personal Reasons? (Out of Zion Episode #106)

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Why should Christians support Israel? Well, let me count the whys. There are many of them.

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And in the next few episodes, I'm going to share with you a lot of them. Today, I'm going to start with personal reasons why every Christian in the world should support Israel.

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And no, it's not about the Bible. No matter what your creed, what your denomination, I'm going to give you reasons why you should be supporting Israel.

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Well, since the founding of Israel almost 75 years ago, millions of Christians have gone there to visit the holy sites. Many have returned home.

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I'm very appreciative of Israel, if not just outright excited and ready to support the Jewish state. I want to share just my personal story. You may have heard me share it before, but I was a Biblical studies major in university.

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And I got the opportunity to go to Israel. I was all of 19 years old for a summer study program. And here I got to Israel was studying the same Bible I was studying in the United States.

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The same Bible I read almost every day just as a spiritual guidebook. Now I'm studying it in university, but none of that prepared me for what happened when I got to Israel.

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That Bible just became what I call three-dimensional. It stood up, it took on flesh and bones, it became so much more real, so much more understandable in its right historical, geographical, physical settings, and within its cultural and religious settings.

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That has happened to so many Christians when they go on tour to Israel. If they have a good tour leader and sound teaching, they have their Bible come alive. Their faith is strengthened and renewed.

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And so they come home excited. One of the reasons that I want to point out to you is that Israel gives freedom of access to all the Christian holy sites as they do to the Muslims, to the Muslim holy sites.

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And we can be thankful to Israel for that. They're not like a communist country or even some closed Muslim countries. If there was a Christian site, we wouldn't be able to go in and visit that site.

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But in Israel, we have freedom of access and every Christian should be thankful for that.

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Secondly, Israel doesn't just allow freedom of access, but they preserve the sites. They are preserving the archaeological remains of the Bible period.

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They are conducting many archaeological digs. They are studying it. They are keeping it. And they are putting it on display and making it available.

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Unlike, I will say, Muslim countries, even the Temple Mount there in Israel, because it's under the Muslim control, back in 1999, they started a construction project.

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The Muslims did on top of the Temple Mount and they loaded up and carried away 9,000 tons of dirt. And in that dirt were all kinds of broken and damaged archaeological remains going all the way back to the Stone Age.

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15% of them were from the first Temple period and 40% of them were from the second Temple period, which is the time when Jesus would have been there in that Temple.

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So, thankfully, Israel doesn't have that kind of disregard for history and archaeology. They preserve it. They are wanting to find all the archaeological evidence.

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All it's doing is proving our Bible to be accurate. So, we should really support Israel in this.

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Now, thirdly, is that the real excitement comes for Christians who come to Israel and have their Bible come alive in really profound ways as I shared happened in my life and I've seen it happen in so many.

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It only stands to reason that they would come home from Israel excited about Israel and appreciating the opportunity that they had to go there.

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You know, tourism experts say that tourism to Israel is totally different than tourism to other places because it's repeat tourism.

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I joke about it that every Christian that goes on tour to Israel, all they do on the plane ride home is plan and pray about their next visit to Israel.

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Now, the final reason I want to give you today of why every Christian should support Israel is not related to tourism.

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But it's something that we all need to understand and show Israel our appreciation for this and that is their care and the freedom of religion and worship that they have given to the indigenous Christian community in Israel.

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There are Christians, mainly of Arab background or Aramaic background that are citizens of Israel and they are flourishing unlike all the other countries in the region, including even the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza.

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So that Christianity is actually becoming extinct across the Middle East, but in Israel the number of Christians is actually growing and they're prospering, they're safe and they are doing well.

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So all Christians, every Christian in the world should support Israel and express their gratitude for the safety of the Christian community there in Israel.

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So that is our personal reasons why every Christian should support Israel.

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Next week we're going to talk about some practical reasons that everyone, and I'm going to speak especially Americans, should support Israel.

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So if you're ready now to make that trip and go to Israel with me, I want you to go down in today's show notes, sign up for the tour interest list, and I have two offers coming up right now.

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Well hey, give me one more minute. I have two very special offers for you.

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First is, all you ladies out there, we have scheduled a women's tour to Israel this November, November 2nd through the 12th.

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I invite you to go with me to the land of the Bible. Let's walk the land, let's talk the Bible, let's have our faith restored and ignited and strengthened for the days in which we live.

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To sign up, I want you to go down below into today's show notes and sign up for our tour interest list. We will send you all the information.

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Or if it's easier, just call our tour's department line at 866-393-5890. That's 866-393-5890.

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I want to travel Israel with you.

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Now my second offer is a free download that we have developed just for you called 10 Reasons for Christians to Support Israel.

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Over the coming weeks, I'm going to be talking about a lot of these reasons, but I want you to have this download so that you can be preparing yourself, that you can share it with your friends and colleagues,

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and invite them to listen in each week as I will be going over some of these reasons and going a little bit farther into depth.

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So in today's show notes, we link directly to this downloadable 10 reasons why Christians should support Israel.

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Or you can go to the landing page, click on Resources, and we should have a link there for you as well.

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So take advantage of this free download, and I will see you back here next week, fully informed, ready to learn some more. Until then, God bless.

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I'm going to be talking about the USA All Rights Reserved.