July 15, 2022

Work as Worship

Work as Worship
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Out of Zion with Susan Michael

God did not just command His people to rest on the seventh day but to work on the other six. The Hebrew word for work (avodah) can also be translated as service or worship. So in the Hebraic worldview all of life is sacred, and our work is an expression of our service and worship of God. Unfortunately, much of the western world has a Greek mindset in which we compartmentalize and separate life into either sacred or the secular. But we should have no such division—all of life is sacred and we should do everything as unto the Lord.

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Work as Worship (Out of Zion Episode #127)

Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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Well, hey there. We've been talking a lot lately about the importance of finding a

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cycle of rest, sort of like what God did after He created the earth and the world

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in six days and He rested on the seventh. But today I want to focus on the other

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six days in which we're supposed to work. So welcome to this week's Shabbat Shalom

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devotional and I try to share just a little inspiration and bring a little

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piece to the close of your very busy week. So I want us to look today at

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Exodus 20 verse 9 and the first part of verse 10. Six days you shall labor and do

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all your work but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you

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shall not do any work. Now the verse does not say just to rest on the seventh

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day. The verse says that you're to work for six days. You could say God commanded

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us to work for six days and to rest on the seventh. But what exactly is work?

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Well let's go back to the creation story that we found in Genesis 2 where God

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created man and woman and here in Genesis 2 verse 15 it says the Lord God

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took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and to take care of it.

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You know according to most English translations they translate the two

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words here to work and take care of it or to cultivate and to keep it. Well in

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Hebrew it is le avda ou le shamra and so there are the word avodah which means

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to work or to they translated it some places to cultivate it to work le avda.

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Well that is translated in other verses as work and it means manual labor. It

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means working the field, working the soil. But there's another translation and that

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is that le avda ou le shamra means to worship and obey. Now you might be saying

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what? How can the same word for work be the word for worship in other verses?

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That's very interesting. So let me read to you like Exodus 8 verse 1 says this

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is what the Lord says let my people go so that they may worship me. It's also

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translated in some versions as to serve me. So here in Joshua 24 15 it

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says but as for me and my household we will serve the Lord. So avodah means

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work, it means worship and it means to serve and so Joshua here is saying I

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will avodah I will work and serve and worship the Lord. Now this is a very

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powerful image to think that the word for working in the fields is the same

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word as for worshiping God and it's the integrated hebraic view of life that

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all of life is meant to worship God. You know in our Greek mindset which a lot of

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us have in the Western world our Greek mindset divides secular from the sacred.

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So for us the sacred is on Sunday when you go to worship but the secular is on

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Monday when you go to work but here we see in the hebraic mindset which is the

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biblical mindset mind you all of life is sacred. Our work is to be done unto him

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it's a form of worship where we honor the Lord our God. We serve our families

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and we serve our neighbors and we serve our God. Now this should change your whole

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outlook to Monday morning. Let's take a break this weekend and think about how

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we can use our work to worship God and make it sacred and with that I wish you

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a Shabbat Shalom.