July 8, 2023

Does God still have prophets?

Does God still have prophets?

In a world full of lies and propaganda, it can be difficult to determine who is telling you the truth. Perhaps you're looking for a place where you can hear a voice of truth, someone whom God is speaking to. You've come to the right place. It's our mission to share with you the truth of God's word and the prophetic insights that God has given to me to help you navigate life in these last days before the return of Jesus Christ. In today's episode, I'll be answering the question, does God still have prophets on the earth today as we dive into this topic, let's see what God has told us in the scriptures and what the Lord has revealed to me to share with you. We'll also incorporate insights from other leaders in the Christian community. 

To order Ken's bestselling book The End is Now Coming, visit https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CH2B1KMS/


Hello, and welcome to The Prophetic Voice. I'm your host Ken Bailey. In a world full of lies and propaganda, it can be difficult to determine who is telling you the truth. Perhaps you're looking for a place where you can hear a voice of truth, someone whom God is speaking to. You've come to the right place. It's our mission to share with you the truth of God's word and the prophetic insights that God has given to me to help you navigate life in these last days before the return of Jesus Christ. In today's episode, I'll be answering the question, does God still have prophets on the earth today as we dive into this topic, let's see what God has told us in the scriptures and what the Lord has revealed to me to share with you. We'll also incorporate insights from other leaders in the Christian community.

So whether you're a longtime listener or a new follower, we're grateful that you've chosen to join us today. Let's tune in and listen to the prophetic voice. Does God still have prophets today? There's two different camps that people belong to in regards to this. Some say God has no prophets on the earth today. Others say God does have a few true prophets on the earth right now. Our mission here at the Prophetic Voice is to always tell you the truth. So I'm gonna look at both sides of this today, and I'm gonna begin by looking at the viewpoint of those who don't believe there's, there are any prophets today. They say Christ has come and revealed all things to us, and we have both the Old Testament, the New Testament. So God no longer needs or has prophets on the earth today. The verse they often quote is this, Hebrews one, one through two.

So I'm gonna read that for you. Hebrews one, one through two. In the past, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways. But in these last days, he has spoken to us by his son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. So these people with a viewpoint that says that there's no pro, no longer any prophets today, they say Jesus came, and that's the end of the prophets. We have Jesus words and the Old and New Testament. So we no longer need the prophets. So God has no prophets today. And they say, anyone who claims to be a prophet today is a false prophet. But in seeking the truth, we have to look at what the entire Bible says, not just a few scriptures. So let's take a look at the viewpoint of those who believe that God still does have some prophets on the earth today.

Let me, and let me pause here and ask you a couple of questions. Do you believe that God has prophets today? What's your preconceived mindset, your thoughts, your your opinion right now before I share any more with you? Well, there's a verse in scripture, Hebrews 13, eight, and it says, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So we can't pick and choose what parts of God's word that we wanna believe. We can't say, well, this ended here because Christ came and and there's no longer any need for prophets. Oh, we can't say this ended here, and that doesn't apply anymore. We have to either believe all of the word of God or none of it. You can't pick and choose parts of the Bible that, that you believe and then ignore other scriptures that you don't believe. You gotta take all of it.

So let's look at Ephesians four, verse 11. We clearly know that God had prophets in the past through in the Old Testament, and there's, we're gonna also now start talking about prophets in the New Testament. So Ephesians four 11 says, so Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers right there in the New Testament. The Lord has Paul share this. This is for the New Testament Church. God had Paul record here in the scriptures that Jesus has put prophets on the earth and the for the church age, though it's a rare spiritual gift, the Lord has prophets. Let's look at some New Testament prophets. Acts 11, verse 27 through 28. If you have your Bible or a a, a Bible app on your phone, go to Acts 1127 through 28. During this time, some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch.

One of them was named Agabus, stood up and through the Spirit predicted that a severe famine would spread over the entire Roman world. God could have spoken directly to Peter, James, John Paul, or someone else, and told them about the coming famine, but he didn't. He chose to speak to a prophet named Agabus, and the prophet told the church leaders about a famine that was coming. Let's look again now in Acts chapter 21, verses 10 and 11, again, we're gonna refer to the Prophet Agabus, acts 21, beginning in verse 10. After we had been there a number of days, the prophet named Agabus came down from Judea coming over to us. He took Paul's belt and tied his own hands and feet with it and said, the Holy Spirit says in this way, the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem will bind the owner of this belt and will hand him over to the Gentiles.

As you can clearly see, God's used agabus and the other prophets who were with him to bring messages to people long after Jesus ascended to heaven, agabus the prophet and the others with him were serving God 30 to 35 years after Jesus went back to heaven. So here we clearly see that, that the Lord has New Testament prophets. They're still operating and getting words from God with Christ long gone. Here's some more information about New Testament prophets. Let's look in Matthew seven verses 15 through 20, and what Jesus said about prophets here. Matthew seven, beginning verse in verse 15, watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves by their fruit. You will recognize them. Do good people do good trees rather bear good fruit. But a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.

Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus by your fruit, you will know them. Jesus is saying that there's prophets among you as he's speaking to these people. Some are true, and he's warning people to be aware of the false prophets. So we're supposed to judge all prophets by the fruit that they bear. If the prophet is seeking glory for himself or preaching a prosperity gospel, he's bearing bad fruit If he makes predictions that don't come true he tells he's a, he's a false prophet. The Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 18 beginning in verse 15 and through 21, that if, if a prophet makes a prediction about some future event, and it doesn't come to pass, he's a false prophet. And in the Old Testament days, a a false prophet was to be put to death.

And I think that's why there's so many false prophets on the earth today, because they're not being put to death when they say things that don't come to pass. So a true prophet seeks God's glory. He's not trying to get rich, nor does he make false predictions. He speaks only the words that God gives him to speak. He knows that God, God and his message are what's important. He's just a vessel, a messenger that God speaks through to deliver his message. Let's look at another passage of scripture that refers to New Testament prophets. Turn to Matthew 10, verse 40 through 42. Matthew 10, beginning in verse 40. Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. Whoever welcomes a profit as a profit will receive a profit's reward. And and whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person's reward.

And if anyone even gives a cup of cold water to one of these little ones, who is my truly, I tell you that that person certainly will not lose their reward. So here's Jesus speaking in the New Testament about prophets. Why would he be doing this if there weren't any prophets around in those days? Hess speaking to these people and talking about prophets. He's saying whoever shows hospitality and receives the words from God, from that, from that prophet will receive a prophet's reward. So the Lord was saying that he has prophets on the earth and that you'll be rewarded for, for welcoming them. But to be beware of false prophets, I wanna tell you and about a few recent prophets. You may have heard of them, you may not have, but I think they're important to mention here today in our discussion of this topic.

Have you heard of a man named Dietrich Bonhoeffer and another man named a w Tozer? These are men who were prophets in the 20th century. Bonhoeffer prophesied to the church about Hitler being evil, and that the, the church in Germany must stand against him in the Nazi regime. The church remained silent. Bonhoeffer was involved in an attempt to assassinate Hitler and, and, and, and end his evil that he was doing across the world as he put even some 6 million Jews to death. And his regime was totally wicked. But the, the, the assassination plot failed, and B Bonhoeffer was arrested and put and put in one of the prison camps just a few days before the, the allies liberated that prison Camp Hitler called and ordered that Bonhoeffer be hung. And so he be, became a martyr for what he did and the messages that he shared.

He's well known for his book, the Cost of Discipleship. The other one I mentioned is a W Tozer, and he was a prophet again, also in the 20th century. He's well known for his book, the Pursuit of God. If you haven't read The Cost of Discipleship by Bonhoeffer or Tozers book The Pursuit of God, I highly recommend that you read these books. They'll really bless you and you'll, you'll hear what God was speaking through these men in those days. Bonhoeffer and Tozer were powerful prophets and servants of God, of God. There's other names that people might suggest to you that are, are recent prophets. One of them one man's name is Leonard Ravenhill. He's passed away, and the other is David Wilkerson, who, who's also gone on to heaven. And there's no doubt that God gave some powerful messages to these men, and they were very anointed.

So you can, you can check out, do a, a Google search or go on YouTube and learn about the life of Leonard Ravenhill. David Wilkerson, some of their quotes or, or, or watch and listen to sermons that they gave. They were powerful. Well, what about prophets in the future after Christians are raptured? You know, we're all waiting for that future event that's, that's eminent when Christ returns for his followers. You might be surprised to learn that the Lord will have prophets on the earth even after the rapture. Do you know the story of the two witnesses found in Revelation chapter 11? The Lord calls them prophets. So I wanna read that passage of scripture to you, and I wanna come back and remind you again of Hebrews 13, eight, that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So in the future.

So he had prophets in the past in the Old Testament, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, and so many more. And he has prophets in the New Testament. He's gonna have prophets in the future. So let's take a look at Revelation 11 beginning in verse three, and we'll read through verse 12. Revelation 11, starting in verse three. So it says that I will appoint my two witnesses and they will prophesy for 1,260 days cloth and sackcloth. They are the two olive trees and the two lamp stands, and they stand before the Lord of the Earth. If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they're prophesying. And they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.

Verse seven. Now, when they had finished their testimony, the beast comes up from the abs, will attack them and overpower and kill them. Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom in Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified for three and a half days. Some from every people tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them. Burial. The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth. But after the three and a half days, the breath of life from God entered them and they stood on their feet and terror struck those who saw them. Then they heard a lo, a loud voice from heaven saying to them, come up here. And they went up to heaven in a cloud while their enemies looked on.

That's pretty amazing, isn't it? Who are these prophets in Revelation 11? The Bible doesn't name them here, but many Bible scholars believe that one of these men will be the prophet Elijah. If you've read about him in the past, in the Old Testament, Elijah was up to heaven and, and did not die. Then these scholars believe the other prophet will be either Enoch or Moses. You know, that passage, that pa famous passage of scripture than Enon Enoch walked with God and then was no more. So Moses was loved by God and the Lord even took him out into the desert and buried him. So it'll be interesting to see who those two are, but likely Elijah and then either Enoch or Moses. So in the past, this prophecy was really hard for people to believe for. It was, it was impossible for the whole world to know what was happening while it was happening.

But with the increase in technology in these last days, it now is possible. This passage talks about them laying there in the streets for three and a half days, and people from all over the world gazing upon their bodies of these two prophets and celebrating that they're dead. So God told us in Daniel chapter 12 and verse four that in the last day's, knowledge would increase. And so it's, that's exactly what's happened. With the advent of the internet, computers, ta, tablets, satellites, and 9 billion cell phones, it's now possible to view news from around the world as it's livestreamed to the nations. So what, once when this was written, it was impossible for this to take place. But now that technology and knowledge has increased, people are gonna be able to view on their, on their smartphones, computers, tablets this happening live.

Wouldn't you like to see the faces of people when God raises these prophets from the dead and takes them up to heaven? Cuz that'll be livestream. These men are your brothers in Christ, and they have overcome the enemy by the power of God. I can't wait to meet them. They'll have incredible stories to share of all that God did through them as they served in during their time on the earth. It'll be a tough time for them because so many people will hate them because of the message that they share with them. I wanna share one more chapter from the New Testament that pertains to prophets. Paul speaks about prophets in one Corinthians 14. I don't have time today on, on this program to read that entire chapter to you, but when you get a chance, go read First Corinthians 14. It talks about the gift of tongues and, and different gifts that we should seek.

 And it talks about prophets and their place in the church today, and even in a worship service. So in first Corinthians 14 verse one, it says, follow the way of love and eagerly desire the gifts of the spirit, especially prophecy right there. In your Bible, it talks about prophets and prophecy. Verse 29, 2 or three prophets should speak and the others should weigh carefully what is said. So Paul is saying, as he's been directed by God to share with us that there are New Testament prophets, and that people should seek the gift of, of prophecy and to be able to prophesy to, to share with others. Have you ever heard pastors preach on this? It's just ignored. Even though it's right here in the scriptures, in the modern church today, in the Western church in culture, you just don't hear little or no teaching about prophets or about the order of a ch how you should conduct a church service, and that even prophets should be allowed to speak in a service.

Well, I, I think with what I've shared with you scripturally and with the insights that the lord's given me, that we can clearly answer this question. Now, does God have any prophets on the earth today? And the answer's, yes, words continue to be spoken by God. God, God's not done speaking to men and women. He's given messages to his prophets to share with people on, on the earth today. Look at with me. And let's take a moment and look at Matthew four, verse four. It's Jesus. It's, here's what it says, Jesus answered. It is written, man shall not live on bread alone, on, on every word that comes from the mouth of God. I wanna read that one more time to you. It's so important. It is written, man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.

So Jesus trying to emphasize to us how important it is to hear God speak. So God is still speaking today. Some people try to put him in a box like the ones that have that viewpoint that there's no prophets today. We Jesus spoke. We have the old and New Testament. That's it. God's not speaking anymore, friend. That's just not true. The Lord still has prophets on the earth today because he's not done speaking. I wanna give you a list of a few reasons that, that I believe that God continues to speak through his prophets. One, a prophet teaches the truth and interprets the word of God. So he will correct or rebuke someone or a church for having a false doctrine. He'll call sinners to repent. I'll give you an example. Several years ago on her TV program, Oprah was, was having a pro, a program one day where she talked about God and, and, and coming to God, hearing God.

And she said there, there's many paths to God that some people refer to God as the light or have different terms for him, but there, but there's many ways to God. And that's just simply not true. Jesus said in John 14, six, and it's offensive to people, he said, I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father, but by me. So g God didn't have Christ die. A his son, a brutal death on the cross as, as one of the ways that people can get to heaven. But, but there would were, would be other ways that they could, that would've, that would've been a waste then foolish for him to have his son die. And that excruciating manner being tortured on a, on a Roman cross that's there is only one way to heaven. And that's through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

He shed his blood paid the penalty for, for our sins. A second reason God still has prophets, I think, on the earth, is so that they can praise the words and actions of someone who's speaking the truth and bringing glory to God. This might be a pastor, a per a person, an individual, or a church that's bringing great honor to the Lord. They want to call them out and let other people, let other churches know, Hey, this church, this pastor's speaking truth they're getting it right. They're do. They're being a church that, that God honors today. Number three, even today, a true prophet may tell about a Bible prophecy that's now taking place. And I wanna share one with you right now on the program. Isaiah 17, one it says this, it's a prophecy against Damascus, Syria. It says, see, Damascus will no longer be a city, but will become a heap of ruins.

Dam Damascus will no longer be a city, but will become a heap of ruins. Israel is, is weekly, sometimes daily, sending missiles to hit targets in Syria, where Iran is bringing in military personnel artillery missiles, drones to attack Israel with. And due to Israel having to take out these weapons and military personnel that Iran's bringing in, it's causing damage to the city of Damascus. And there's all kinds of ruins. Eventually it will be totally ruined. Some people even believe that one day Israel may have to use a nuclear weapon of some sort to wipe out Damascus because Iran may have nuclear weapons right there next to the border of Israel. And number four, a fourth reason why God still has prophets today, a prophet may be given a vision from God revelations or messages from God that he shares with people.

This would include even some future event that's gonna take place. I'll give you an example. I mentioned to you that I share videos on YouTube that I've made about miracles that have taken place in my life, or visions that I've rece received from the Lord. And some of them are about the tribulation. I'm actually have been taken into visions and shown what's coming into the future. And some of them have taken place like I was shown on May 29th, 2021 that Russia with Putin was gonna go on the attack with their tanks. And then they went on nine months later in February of 2022 to attack Ukraine. And my final reason I'll mention today, number five, a prophet today may be told by God to point out some false prophets who were on the earth and to warn his followers in the church to be aware of them.

I'll mention one briefly. There's a man who's very well known now. He's an author, a professor in Israel, and his name is Yuval Noah Harari. And he's the top advisor for the World Economic Forum. And he's talking about the need for artificial intelligence to develop a a bible today that's true and correct. And he's telling people that, well, we, that we can become gods and that we don't need a God to hand down tablets from the clouds. We have our own tablets, our own cloud. And he's referring to, you know technology today, the cloud and, and, and computer tablets. He's a false prophet. Some people say he is a prophet, but he's denying that he is, but he's putting out false messages. So these are just a few of the many reasons that Gods still has profits today and, and friend, there would be no need for this podcast in these messages from God if there were no prophets today.

That's why God's had me launch the prophetic voice, because he's still speaking today, and he has words for us in these last days. I remember a few years ago when Covid was, was taking place, and it was in the fall of 2020 and on from there, and the Covid crisis was front and center stage worldwide. And I I read on some social media platforms where people were writing and chat, chatting back and forth, do you think Go Will raised up a profit during this time to tell us the truth about what's happening in the world and why? I couldn't believe it when I read that, that people were actually asking each other and talking about if God would raise up a prophet. Now, he'd already raised me up at that point. I'm gonna sh I'm gonna talk in a future podcast and share about how God called me to be a last day's prophet.

But I, I read that and I'm like, I could, I could respond, but I knew God didn't want me to respond yet at one time. So I want you to know the Bible is the supreme authority for all truth. It contains the infallible in heit inspired words of God. The Bible should always be your primary source of truth. However, I want you to know that God is still speaking today. I would never choose to be a prophet. However, God's called me to be a prophetic voice for him. As a result, the word of the Lord comes to me just like it did prophets that are mentioned in the Bible. And so in each of our podcasts, I will talk about Bible prophecy events taking place in our society and how to prepare and respond to to what's happening in society and in cult and in culture.

And along with this, I'll share what God has revealed to me to share with you in these last days before the return of, of Jesus Christ in an event we call the rapture. So I'll also in future podcasts be sharing miracles and visions with you that have taken place. And I wanna share a scripture with you that from the Old Testament that talks about how and why God has prophets. Amos three, seven, Amos three, verse seven. It says, surely the sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets. I wanna read that a second time to you. Surely the sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets. And I give you that example. God told me nine months ahead of time that Putin and Russia were gonna go on the attack and that, and that tanks would be involved.

Eventually, Putin had tanks surrounding Kyiv Ukraine and people were terrified. Again, no credit to me, God just tells me these things, gives me a vision and speaks to me, and I have these words from them and I share them with you. So as a servant of the Lord, a prophet, I would rather die than or bring harm to God's kingdom. I have to admit, I've even asked God at times, please kill me if I utter one word. That's not from you. I don't, I never want to be a false prophet. I wanna share words of truth always and I will serve him until he takes me home, no matter how much I'm mocked and persecuted by others. Because there's with Old Testament prophets, even today here in the New Testament there's much hate and rejection that comes to true prophets today, even from people who say they're Christians.

 They say that anyone claim who claims to be a prophet today is a false prophet. And my friend, that's just not true. I'm not lying when I, when I say this to you, that the Lord has chosen me to walk in signs and wonders and miracles and visions. I've experienced so much of this and even been witnesses with me when some of these have occurred. And again, I'm gonna share these with you, many of them in future programs, all the credit, honor and glory go to the Lord. He's caused all of them to happen in my life, and I stand in awe of who he is. I want you to, to know this verse that I just hang my hat on. It's so important to me. It's in John chapter seven, verse 18. Whoever speaks on their own does so to gain personal glory, but he who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is a man of truth.

There's nothing false about him. I wanna read it one more time to you. Whoever speaks on their own does so to gain personal glory. But he who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is a man of truth. There's nothing false about him. And that's the man I want to be and I aim to be. I seek no personal glory, my friend. I don't deserve any, all these miracles and visions have come from God. No credit to me. I seek the glory of Jesus Christ, not my own personal glory. I seek to be a voice of truth for God. I do not want there to be anything false about me, whether written or spoken. And so I I pray that this has encouraged you today, this message that God, I can answer the question very easily. Does God still have prophets on the earth today?

And we know if we look at the entire of scripture that he does, because Matthew 4 0 4 told us that man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. And he's still speaking today. So would you join me in prayer? Let's pray. Father, I thank you for this time where we can open your word and read from the spoken word that you had men record long ago that that brought us our bibles, your that have now become your written word. Lord, I thank you for speaking all those years as the Bible was written over a couple of thousand years by these various men. But I thank you Lord so much that you're still speaking today. You're still doing miracles today. There's still a few true prophets on the earth. Yes, Lord, there are many false prophets that are on the earth today.

You said it would be like that in these last days. But Lord, I thank you that you're still speaking, that there's still a few true prophets, and that we can hear what you have to say to us today to help navigate these difficult times we're living in as Satan is working hard to establish a new world order where he can reign for the seven years you're gonna give to him. Lord, we love you. We praise you, and we thank you for our time together today, Lord, you're so awesome and we just pray this now in the a mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Thanks for joining us today on the Prophetic Voice. It means so much to us that you listen to our program. We hope you'll stay in touch. You can do that by visiting our website@kenbaileyministries.com. There you will find all of our previous podcast. You will also find a number of prophetic videos that I have made. I think they'll really bless and encourage you. Again, the website is ken bailey ministries.com. Well, thanks for joining me today. We'll see you next time on The Prophetic Voice.