July 23, 2023

God's call on Ken Bailey's life, PT2

God's call on Ken Bailey's life, PT2

To order Ken's bestselling book The End is Now Coming, visit https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CH2B1KMS/


Hello, and welcome to The Prophetic Voice. I'm your host Ken Bailey. In a world full of lies and propaganda, it can be difficult to determine who is telling you the truth. Perhaps you're looking for a place where you can hear a voice of truth, someone whom God is speaking to. You've come to the right place. It's our mission to share with you the truth of God's word and the prophetic insights that God has given to me to help you navigate life in these last days before the return of Jesus Christ. So whether you're a longtime listener or a new follower, we're grateful that you've chosen to join us today. Let's tune in and listen to the prophetic voice. Hi friends. Thanks for joining us again today. Last time I, I talked about God's call on, on my life, and that when we ended up making that Part one, this is part two, today, God's call on Ken's life.

And in the previous program in part one, I shared of how God called me in a vision on April 8th, 2004 to answer a prophetic call that he had on my life to surrender my life to him to just totally give myself to him and, and what he wanted to do with my life. And as, as time went on, it was so clear and easy to see that he, he had called me to be a last day's messenger for him a prophetic voice. So then the following night, on, on Friday night, April 9th, 2004, the Lord followed the vision up from the previous night with just some amazing miracles that were tied to a book called Rachel Smiles. Inside it, I got the name Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the title, the book, the Lord wanted me to get the Cost of Discipleship.

And then, then the fact that on April 9th was the, the very date that Bonhoeffer was martyred for his stand against Hitler in the Nazi regime. And so, just amazing miracles of vision followed by these miracles, the, the next night. And the, the, the Lord's given me some quotes that, that from Bonhoeffer that I wanna share with you that are just powerful. And the first one is when God calls a man, he bids him to come and die. And God called me to just to give my life away and, and, and, and, and die to what I had planned, and but to, to literally where it would get to the point where Jesus Christ could live inside me. And the second quote that's meant a lot to me over the years with Bonhoeffer being tied to my life by God himself, is this, to be silent in the face of evil is evil itself.

And God will not hold us. Guiltless not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act. So when, when you see evil around you and you don't do anything, you just remain silent. You don't speak up against it, you don't act against it that's evil in the side of God. And so God's called me to be a prophetic voice, to speak out against the evil that I see in the world against evil people, against injustice things that are, that are not as they should be. And so that's one of the reasons the Lord's had me launch this podcast, the prophetic voice, is to share certainly about Bible prophecy and in time events that are taking place, but also to talk to you about what's going on in society and in culture, and to speak out against it.

So I've been speaking out against evil for years now, and I've made a number of videos approximately 70, and they're posted on my website, ken bailey ministries.com. And you can also find them on my YouTube channels, Ken Bailey or Ken Bailey Ministries. So I encourage you to watch those when you can, I think to really bless you. But God's called me to warn all of you that Jesus is returning soon, and God's gonna bring his wrath on the earth. Once again, he had Noah do the same thing before the, he had Noah do this before the, he flooded the Earth the first time, and he told Noah to tell people that they could escape God's wrath by turning from their sins in an act of faith and get on the ark. And nobody did, just Noah, his wife, his, his three sons and, and their wives got on the ark.

And so, God's having me warn people again today that he's soon gonna bring his wrath on the wickedness, on the of the earth. So after God called me on this prophetic call that I, I shared with you, he took me out to California to San Diego. The Lord had told me in the vision when he called me that it was gonna be a costly commitment. He was gonna take me far away from our two children that were in college. Our son was in college in the Houston, Texas area. We, San Diego was nearly 2000 miles from him. Our daughter was in Abilene, Texas, and we moved some 1500 miles away from, from her. So that came to pass from the vision. And then the Lord warned me in the vision that if I accepted his call, there would be a, a great financial test that he would, he would put my wife and I through.

And I'm gonna share about that in a minute. But I was so blessed to my wife and I to get to move out to San Diego and work with Dr. David Jeremiah at the church and the Christian school that's there. We were there for four years. And it was just such a blessing to work with an incredible school and church staff and, and to hear Dr. Jeremiah preach each week. And I learned so much from him. And I know God shaped my life through all that that, that he's talked taught me. And, and we bought a home out there and we settled down and went to work. And I was able to go on some mission trips to Africa while I was there and do evangelism and share the gospel in, in third world countries. And I was just really blessed.

 After a short time there, Dr. Jeremiah invited me to go on a tour with him to Israel, his first trip to Israel, and my first trip to Israel. And I talked a little bit about that, and in, in, in part one of this, in episode two of the podcast. And so I was able to go to Israel, take my wife with me, and my uncle had taught me in prophecy in, in high school, and had, had shared quite a bit about Israel, and I fell in love with it. And I got to go to Israel with Dr. Jeremiah and help with the tour group that he was leading. Little did I know that years later I would be taking people on my own tours to Israel, which I do. And I'll put those on the website when my next tours getting closer.

But I was blessed to now be in Israel and then now years later, take people on tour to Israel and speak in Messianic congregations there and teach on prophecy in Israel. God had all of this planned. It's just a amazing to me how he's, he's done all of this. And I wanna take, I wanna pause and take a look at Genesis chapter six, verse nine through 13. Turn there, Genesis six, nine through 13. And I wanna talk about how Noah warned the, the world about God's upcoming judgment and, and how the Lord saw Noah as a man. So let's begin in verse nine. There in chapter six of Genesis, it says, this is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. Noah had three sons, shim, ham, and jaffi.

And now in verse 11, now their earth was corrupt in God's sight and full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become for all the people on the earth had corrupted their way. So God said to Noah, I'm gonna put an end to all people. For the earth is filled with violence because of them, I'm surely going to destroy both them and the earth. So Noah was a righteous man. He wasn't perfect. He, he certainly had sinned, and you can read about that in the scriptures. But he was seeking God, walking with God. And God shows him to do a great work for him to warn the, the, the known world at that time, that a great flood was coming and God was going to destroy everyone that didn't get on the arc when Noah said it was time to load up.

 And because the flood was going to start very soon. So my former boss that I just mentioned to you, Dr. David Jeremiah in San Diego, he's, he's got a study Bible, the David Jeremiah study Bible, and in it in chapter six and of, and the study Bible, he, he, he comments on verse 13, and he says this, I wanna read it to you, Noah labored unremarkably for the first two thirds of his life and was approaching retirement age when God's call came throughout history, God has often raised up a champion for the cause of righteousness in a time of widespread immorality. So like God did with Noah, the early part of my life was unremarkable. Noah was 500 at years of age at the time that God called him to, to be this prophetic voice and warn the world that a flood was coming and God's judgment was coming upon the earth.

And so he, we don't know much at all about his first 500 years of his life. It was unremarkable, and he was getting a quite a bit older. And so, like Noah, God's done the same thing with, with me. I, I've, I've, I've had an amazing life until this point. And now I'm approaching retirement age and God's asked me to, to take a stand against the evil and great Im immorality in, in the Antichrist system that's coming upon the world today. And so the Lord's commanded me to tell you just as he did with Noah, that he's, he's soon gonna bring this judgment up on the earth. He's gonna rapture his church and take home his followers, and then he's gonna bring judgment on, on the earth. And I wanna warn everybody about that. God's called me to do that.

And, and I am. And, and the flood did happen. Some people don't believe it happened. I, I believe that's, that there's a, it's certainly very likely that the Grand Canyon was carved out of the flood waters from when they came upon the earth. And there's so many other places where ar archeologists have, have studied and looked and believe a great flood caused the the, the ground and the, and the, the earth to look at as it does because of, of the water that came upon it. So God used Noah to do what he did. And today, once again, God's, you know, having me warn everyone about the, the, the coming rapture and the seven year tribulation at a time of unprecedented war, death, deception, and judgment that's coming upon the earth. And the Lord wants to rescue you if you've never placed your faith and trust in Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins.

And I just beg you to do that. He, he came 2000 years ago, Christ did, lived a sinless life went to the cross on on our behalf, was, was crucified, was buried and raised again on the third day. And, and you can have eternal life and escape the, the judgment that's coming here soon on the earth again. And the Lord's, the Lord has me warn you with the loving warning to you that, that the end is, is soon coming. The rapture gets closer every day. So I pray that you just take an honest look at the condition of the world around you today, and that you're aware that something's terribly wrong. You can see that you no longer live in the world that you grew up in. And there are evil people on the earth today who wanna usher in a new world order.

 I also want you to know this as I, as I talk about these things, I, I never wanted to be a prophet. I didn't choose to do this. A true prophet doesn't choose to do it. There's people out there today that I think that, that think that you can go to prophet school, <laugh>, and you can, you can be taught how to be a prophet and to maybe copy or Im emulate the, the PE people in the Bible. That's just not true. God calls a, a, a prophet, and it's a supernatural event. I told you I was taken into a vision. And, and then the very next the Lord spoke to me, and the very next night was followed up with miracles. So God's asked me to be a prophet, and I'm, I'm gonna do it. He gave his life for me, and I'm gonna give my life with for him.

And I'll share his his, his messages that he's given me for his church, the nation's. You and I even have ma messages in the future that I'll share about, that he's given me for world leaders. So many years ago, I because I fell in love with prophecy and, and started teaching it I asked God to give me the gift of prophecy. You can read and study more about that in for one Corinthians chapter 14. But I asked God for the gift to the gift of prophecy, and he was pleased to give it to me. But do you remember the story of Solomon when Solomon asked for wisdom when he became king to rule over the people? And God was really pleased with that, that he didn't ask for the death of his enemies or for riches or anything like that.

So God blessed Solomon gave him his request, answered it, and gave him great wisdom. It's believed that he's the wisest man, that's wisest man that's ever lived, got through in two more gifts that Solomon didn't ask for. He gave him riches and honor. And so when I prayed for the, and asked God for the gift to prophecy so I could teach it properly so that I could prophesy perhaps over people in the future, he did the same thing with me. He gave me two more gifts. After asking for the gift of prophecy, he was pleased to give that to me. But then he gave me the gift of evangelism to be an evangelist. And then he, he gave me the gift of being a prophet to be able to prophesy and to hear from him. And I didn't ask for those gifts.

So I never ch wanted this life that I'm living, but it was his plan for me. And he gave me these gifts and they compliment you each other very well. But I want you to know this, my friend God has plans for your life too. Can you look at, can you look back at your life and see how God was directing you and leading you and what he wanted you to do with, with your life and where he wanted you to live, or what he wanted you to do for an occupation, or the person maybe that you married your spouse. Can you look back on your life and, and see the plans that God's had for it and, and how he was leading you? If you're a Christian, you know, I just wanna encourage you to just stop today and look back over your life and see how God's been faithful in providing for, for all your needs and leading you.

And if you haven't answered God's call for your life, you look back and if you were honest, you'd say, Hey, Ken, I know God called me to do this with my life, but I didn't obey. Instead, I chose to do this and this. And I just feel that I feel something inside me than just gnawing at me. I know deep inside that I haven't answered God's call in my life. It's never too late. Yes, you've missed some opportunities to, to have served the Lord earlier over the years, but you can, you can start again now, alright? He'll, he'll lead you. He'll, I wanna encourage you, if God's got a call on your life, that you answer that call and you say, Lord, I'm gonna lay down my life and, and give it to you. Because if you try to hold onto your life, Jesus says in the scriptures that you lose it.

You just waste it. And if you lose your life, if you give it to him, then, then your life is saved. It has e it it has eternal impact, and he can use you to serve him and his kingdom. So I wanna encourage you to do that. We had four just in telling you some more about my life story. We had four wonderful years out in, in San Diego working there. And when, when we went there and we bought a home, the real estate market was nearly at, at a top. And, you know, I, I didn't like that, but that was what, what it was. And after four years there, the Lord, you know, just put it on my heart. Hey, it's time to leave. I, I could have stayed and spent, and my wife as well, and spent our lives there and retired com comfortably.

But that's not God's call for my life to be comfortable or, or to be thinking about retirement. God's call on my life is to be on the edge going out in third world countries, some of them dangerous, where I'm, I'm, I'm sharing the gospel in a Muslim village, or, or with Hindus or places in, in Asia. So in South America, in, in crime ridden cities. And, and, and where there are many gangs there. So God called me to leave San Diego, even though I loved the people there and working with, with Dr. Jeremiah. And, and, and I, and I knew he made it clear he wanted us to go back to Colorado. Well, we put our house up for sale there that we bought, and after four years, and real estate was always going up.

But the mortgage crisis hit around 2007, 2008. And we put our home up for sale in 2008. And a bunch of bad loans had been given out, issued in, in, in Southern California and all over America. So the real estate market tanked. And I wanna share with you and be authentic with you. Remember, I told you in the vision that God told me on the night he called me to be a prophet, that a great financial test was coming. My wife and I ended up selling our, our home about a year later, and we lost $250,000. And that hurt. I'm not, you know, I wanna, I wanna be transparent to lose, you know, all of that money that we had saved over the years and put, put into a, a home like that. But that was part of God's test they had on, on my life.

He was testing me. Would I stand through all, all of my life? He's been testing me and through trials to see if, if he could trust me, to see if I would wilt under pressure or people coming against me when I delivered messages from him. And I want you to know that my wife and I passed that test. Yes, it hurt, like I said, to lose a quarter of a million dollars. But we knew that we could, we still had our health. We could work again, and God would provide the income that we, we needed. And over the years since then we've been able to earn nice incomes and God has provided, and we're fine financially today or we don't chase money or riches. We know that we're just temporarily here on the, on the earth. So I wanna ask you another question.

I wanna build a relationship with you, the viewer. I care about each of you and what's happening in your life. Have you been tested by God? If you're a Christian, if you're a Christ follower, have you been tested by God? It's, you know, it's easy to trust God in the good times. I, I like to, I like to call it people, Fairweather Christians, when the skies are blue outside, everything's going well, the money's flowing. You got a good job. You, your family, your friends, everyone's healthy. You're just in your sweet spot and, and you, and maybe you claim to be a Christian, you, and you're just bragging on God and how great he is. But what do you do when the storms come, when you're put through a test by God? And, and some difficulties are allowed in some trials that you go through in your life, a death of a family member, a loved one, a loss of a job, a move that you had to make.

 What what have you been like when you've been tested by God, when you've gone through, when you've gone through your storms? We, we can trust God in the storms of our of, of our lives. He said he would never leave us or forsake us, that once we become one of his adopted sons and daughters by being saved by, by repenting, and placing our faith in, in the gospel that I shared earlier. So Fairweather Christians, you know, talk about how great God is during the good times, but can you talk about how great God is in the tough times? So I'm pleased that my wife and I passed that financial test. It was big for us. But, but, and, and we passed the test of moving far away from our children. 'cause God says, you are to love him more than your father, your mother, your spouse, your children, money your friends.

You're, you're to love God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. That's the great commandment. So God will allow us to go through these tests, put us through these tests, to purify us, to refine us. So when you go through tests in life, maybe you're in a storm right now, or just coming out of one you know that you can count on God to get you through that storm. And he's so faithful. I don't like being tested by the Lord but I know that it draws me closer to him, and it causes me to depend on him in, in a, in a crisis. And that's when I grow closer to him. And that's when my faith really grows is when I'm going through a, a difficult time. Well, after I knew God called us to Colorado after leaving for, for on, on spring break.

 It prior to moving to Colorado, we were looking for work. I was a finalist for a superintendent's job, and in the mountains and near Steamboat Springs, Colorado. And I knew I would be involved in a church or preach or, or work with Fellowship of Christian athletes and go on mission trips from there. And we were walking down Main Street. I wanna share a miracle with you. And in future podcasts, I'm gonna share a number of miracles and visions with you. But here's another miracle today. So I was walking down main street of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. It's kind of a cowboy town, and a lot of great snow and the ski area there in the winter. And I was walking down Main Street, and we were, my wife and I were gonna go to a restaurant and eat. And the Lord spoke to me and said, Hey, I want you to, there's some positions open out in Eastern Colorado, outside of Colorado Springs, and I want you to go out there for a year or two make the call, and they're going to invite you immediately to come out and they're gonna offer you jobs, and I want you to go there.

So I told Sue, we had lunch together. I got on the phone, I called that school and talked to 'em. Sure enough, they answered, it was even during a holiday. It was the, the school there was on spring break, but some of the staff was there for a wrestling meet for the kids. I talked to them. They wanted us to come that day, but I said, no, we'll come in a couple of days. And we went there and on the spot, the day that we went there, they offered us the jobs of, of, to, to work there and me to be a school administrator there and, and sue to teach. And just as God had told me, walking on Main Street. And sure enough, those were wonderful people. We were, we were there a couple of years, and then God moved us to Texas for a year, and we thought we were gonna be there for several years.

And he had me meet some people and to become a, to, to decide to help run a national youth ministry, be the field director for that. And then we came right back to Colorado and, and did that. And just a series of miracles took place. Even doing that, when, when I, I looked to, when God told me it was time to go to Texas, he said, when you call the, the school there in that community where you'll be involved and work in fellowship with Christian athletes and there at the school, and, and work with the students and just have an impact on them and lead some to Christ. And when you call them, they'll offer you the job over the phone. So I called that school. And again, the, the administration there over the phone offered me the job the same time that I called him, just, just as God told me that he would.

So I share these things with you because God's still in the miracle business. He's, he's still doing these great things today. He still speaks to us. And even you yourself can hear from the Lord, and he's just been faithful in our lives to, to lead us. If you, if you've watched the first part of God's call on my life on, it's in episode two of the prophetic Voice Podcast, I talked about how it was prophesied over me by a man, by the name of Pat McGee. That part of God's call on my life would be to move us a lot, that God would take us from community to community, my wife and I. And he would have me lead lost people to him. They would get saved. I would rescue broken people that were hit rock bottom in life. I'd fix things needed to be done better in a community, at a school or a church.

And once my work was done there, he would move us to the next town. So you can see a pattern of even what I'm sharing today, that God is moving us over and over again. And that was prophesied over me years ago, that that would be a part of God's plan for my life. Well, when I started doing that youth ministry work as a national, with this national organization I got to go to Israel again and check on some work there. And I wanna read Amos three seven through nine and share that with you. Again, I, and so if you have a Bible or a phone app, if you are able go there, Amos chapter three verses seven through nine. And it says, surely the sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets. And God has called me to be a last day's prophet for, for him, I, I serve him.

And he calls me a prophet. And he's revealed to me, like I shared a few minutes ago, that he's warning you that the the end is soon coming where he is gonna rapture his followers and take them home to heaven and then start a seven a year period on the Earth called the tribulation. That's just terrible. Let's look at verse eight. The lion is roared. Who will not fear the sovereign Lord is spoken, who can but prophesy. And then verse nine says, the first half of verse nine says, proclaim to the fortresses of ashdod and to the fortresses of Egypt. So I wanna share one more miracle with you on today's program, and then we'll, we'll wrap it up. So my second trip to Israel, I was to go to this Messianic congregation and visit with the church leaders.

And when I I flew to Israel, I walked into that congregation. It was in Ashdod, Israel, just like verse nine says right here in the scriptures. And I walked in. I didn't know Hebrew. That was the, the language. Most of the people spoke there, some spoke Russian. And I, I, I got there early, the, the worship team, the band was rehearsing on the stage. I sat in the back of the auditorium and I just closed my eyes and said a prayer. I said, oh God, would you please lead me to someone that speaks English? And Lord, you know, you put it on my heart to go visit some Holocaust survivors and minister to them while I'm in Israel on this trip. I wanna go take them some food, grocery cards, and maybe a little money to bless them. 'cause They know they're suffering with their social security income in Israel.

And they've, they've suffered so much in their life, and now prices are high in Israel and they don't have money to eat every day or buy their medicines. Would you do that for me, Lord? And I said, amen. Well, they finished rehearsing. That was the last song they were doing. And a man on stage who was playing the guitar walked straight towards me. He comes down and, and he, and he, he introduces himself and he says, my name's Seb. And I couldn't believe he, he, at least he spoke a little English. And I said, Hey, my name's Ken. I'm here to meet with your pastor and some of the other church leadership. Do you speak English? He said, yes, I speak English and Russian and French and, and Hebrew. Yes, I'll and I said, well, can you introduce them to me when they arrive here in a little while?

He goes, sure, I'll be happy to do that. We talked for a few minutes. He told me about his wife and children. And then I asked him, I said, Seb, would you happen to know anyone that works with Holocaust survivors that you might can introduce me to here in Israel or in Ashdod? And he said, Ken, I work for the largest Holocaust ministry in Israel. We just serve thousands and thousands of, of these survivors here. You can go out with me, we'll go tomorrow or the next day, and you can go out some this week with me. I'll take you to them. So friend, even in my second trip to Israel, as I sit there and I pray, God does this amazing miracle brings Seb to me, who speaks English, who works with Holocaust survivors, and and he took me out with them.

And I, I share that with you to brag on God. That's how powerful our God is. He, he's so faithful. He does miracles. He answers our prayers, and he's so faithful. So God's called me to be a prophetic voice for him. And I pray that you answer God's call on your life now if you haven't already. And so that he can use you. And I if this message has really impacted you and touched you today, I hope you'll comment. I hope you'll just comment go to our website or get, or if you're on a podcast with Spotify or apple Music or Amazon Prime, if you would comment, that would mean so much and share that with me. Well, let's close in prayer now, today. Join me in prayer. So, father, I thank you so much for our time again together today.

Lord, you're so amazing. You still do miracles. Lord, you did miracles in the past, and they bless me when I read them in the scriptures, your Holy Bible. But God, you're the God of miracles today. And I wanna see you doing miracles in my lives and my life, and the lives of other people that are out there because you're still doing miracles. And I wanna experience you and know you as, as much as I possibly can, as a, a man on the earth today. And I pray that for these viewers and these listeners to the audio podcast, God, that those that have trusted as you as Lord and Savior, that they would ex experience you, God, and know you in an intimate way, in a personal way. God, I thank you for your call on my life. And Lord, I know you have a plans for every person's life, and I pray that, that those that listen to this message will just get into answer your call on their lives and walk in their sweet spot doing what you wanted them to do. Lord, we, we love you. You're so good. You give us eternal life. You meet our needs for food and water, and clothing and employment and our finances. You're just such a great father, and we love you and adore you, and I just pray all of this now and the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Thanks for joining us today on The Prophetic Voice. It means so much to us that you listen to our program. We hope you'll stay in touch with us. You can do that by visiting our website@kenbaileyministries.com. There you will find all of our previous podcasts. We are a listener supported ministry. We rely on you to help us get these messages and the gospel out to the nations. Would you consider becoming a ministry partner and making a monthly donation to our ministry? You can do that by going to our website, ken bailey ministries.com. Then click on the donate tab. Well, thanks for listening to the program and supporting our ministry. We'll see you next time on The Prophetic Voice.