Oct. 22, 2023

Is the Shroud of Turin the burial cloth of Jesus? Shroud photographer Barrie Schwortz reveals the truth

Is the Shroud of Turin the burial cloth of Jesus? Shroud photographer Barrie Schwortz reveals the truth

Barry Schwortz was the official documenting photographer for the historic 1978 scientific examination of the Shroud of Turin. In this interview, he debunks myths and separates facts from fiction about this mysterious religious artifact. Schwortz explains how he first got involved with the Shroud as a skeptic, expecting to find evidence it was a fake. However, the in-depth interdisciplinary tests by scientists could not determine how the image was formed and found no evidence of painting or fakery. Schwortz unpacks controversies like the 1988 radiocarbon dating that wrongly declared it a medieval forgery, as well as new evidence and disciplines still studying the Shroud today. He discusses the unique wounds and blood stains revealing a crucified man, and why he now believes it is likely the authentic burial cloth of Jesus Christ. Listen as Schwortz shares his experience being one of the only living eyewitnesses of the historic examination, and why he feels obligated to educate others given the privilege he had. Understanding the mysteries and insights from science and history surrounding the Shroud can deepen perspectives on life, faith, and what Jesus endured.

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