Aug. 13, 2023

Miracles in Israel and a visit with Jonathan Cahn

Miracles in Israel and a visit with Jonathan Cahn

 In today's episode, I'll be sharing stories of miracles in Israel and a visit with Jonathan Cahn. As we discuss these exciting miracles, let's also see what God has told us in the scriptures and what the Lord has revealed to me to share with you.

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Hello and welcome to The Prophetic Voice. I'm your host, Ken Bailey. In a world full of lies and propaganda, it can be difficult to determine who is telling you the truth. Perhaps you're looking for a place where you can hear a voice of truth, someone whom God is speaking to. You've come to the right place. It's our mission to share with you the truth of God's word and the prophetic insights that God has given to me. to help you navigate life in these last days before the return of Jesus Christ. In today's episode number six, I'll be sharing stories of miracles in Israel and a visit with Jonathan Cahn. As we discuss these exciting miracles, let's also see what God has told us in the scriptures and what the Lord has revealed to me to share with you. So whether you're a long time listener or a new follower, we're grateful that you've chosen to join us today. Let's tune in and listen to the prophetic voice. Well, the topic today is miracles in Israel and a visit with Jonathan Cahn. And I'm so excited to share these with you. I've said in recent podcasts that I would share a few more miracles in upcoming podcasts. So I'm going to do that today. God is so good. He's so powerful. You guys, as I share these miracles with you, I want you to know that all the glory and honor and praise go to the Lord. Not to me. He did all of them and so many more. There's so many more miracles that I'll be sharing in the future. I just can't even get to even a small number of them today. Before I do share some miracles, though I wanna share a scripture with you to begin with. So if you have a Bible or a phone app, get that out. And we're gonna begin by turning to Genesis 18 and verse 14. Genesis 18, 14. And it says, is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son. Now, Abraham and Sarah had been told by the Lord that they were gonna have a baby that we now know is named Isaac late in their old age. And they thought that was all but impossible. In fact, Sarah even laughed and the Lord heard her laughed, although she denied it. And so then the Lord said, is anything too hard for the Lord? And so how do you answer that question in your life? What do you need for God to do for you today? Do you believe that he can do it? Do you really believe that nothing's too hard for the Lord? Well, my friend, I'm telling you that he can. He's done so many things for me. He can meet your greatest need. If you'll ask him to help him with your problem or the crisis in your life, he will. Some of the miracles that the Lord's done for me have come against astronomical odds. Even these today. Some of the odds are probably billions, if not trillions to one, that God could do what He's done in these miracles. And yet somehow He did them. And again, no credit to me. He did them to show me His power and glory and confirmed to me that He's called me to be a last day servant of His, a prophet. And he's also done miracles for me to meet needs I've had in my life or ministry. He's just so good. He's so awesome and such a good, good father. And I pray that you believe that God can meet your greatest need. Because I know that he can. In fact, if you've experienced something from the Lord, a great miracle or an event in your life, I'd appreciate it if you'd comment on it in this video. You can comment on the app that you might be on or you can go to our website,, and then there's a contact this page and you could share your miracle or your amazing story there. I'd love to read it as time permits. Well, the miracles that I, a couple of miracles I want to share today took place in Israel. And I've traveled to Israel many, many times. And so on this particular trip, I traveled to Jerusalem several years ago, and God showed up like he always does. In fact, here's a joke that I've heard that I think you can maybe appreciate about Jerusalem. When you're in Jerusalem, even the locals say, when you talk with God in Jerusalem, it's a local call. And if you didn't get that, it means that when you talk to God in Jerusalem or you say a prayer there, God is so powerfully present in Jerusalem that your prayer is local and not long distance. I love Israel and I can literally sense God's presence covering the country, the land, when I step off a plane in Israel. And when I'm in Jerusalem, I feel God's presence in such a special way. I always have miracles take place when I'm in Jerusalem, and I wasn't disappointed on this trip either. I want to tell you about one of these trips now to Jerusalem. I like to stay in the Old City when I'm in Jerusalem, and this is the ancient ruins and the actual roads that Jesus walked on, and the disciples, and that area is just called the Old City. and it's very old and just it's where the temple was up above and the western wall also called the wailing wall well i checked into my motel room and i went for a walk over in the nearby momilla mall just outside the old city and i like to go walking there in the evenings and i sometimes stop and eat at one of the restaurants well after walking for a while the lord spoke to me very clearly i'm walking in the mall It's an outdoor mall there in Jerusalem. And out of nowhere, he said, call Chris Karelz. I didn't know anyone by that name. Call Chris Karelz, who's that? Well, since the Lord is always connecting me to new people, I called the last guys that I'd met, and they lived in Rishon LeZion, which is about 40 miles west of Jerusalem. And so... I called them and I said, do you know anyone named Chris? And they said, they did. They knew a guy named Chris Karel's. They told me that he lived in the Netherlands and they sent me his phone number. Can you believe that? I was totally surprised. This was crazy. In obedience to the Lord, I called Chris knowing that he lived in the Netherlands. And to my surprise, he answered the phone. I knew it was going to sound crazy to him, but I told him the truth. I said, I'm walking in the Mimila mall in Jerusalem and God just told me to call you. He was totally surprised. He said, that's amazing. I'm not at home in the Netherlands. I'm also in Jerusalem and I'm staying at a place that's about 10 minutes away. Well, it was 5 PM and I invited him to come over and have dinner with me. And he accepted my dinner invitation. I hung up the phone and I just stood there taking in what had just happened. The God of the universe had just spoken to me while I'm walking in Jerusalem and told me to call a guy I didn't know who lives in Holland and now we're going to have dinner together that evening. I turned my head up to the sky and I said this, who is this God? Now I say that who is this God? every time God does some amazing, incredible miracle for me. I'm praising Him with that. I'm just saying to them, saying to the Lord, who are you, how can you do these amazing miracles? And I just sum it up by saying, who is this God? So Chris and I met and we marveled at the miracle that God had done to have us meet each other that evening. And I want you to know my friend that the Lord has a divine appointment for you. In your life at times he'll do miracles to make sure that it happens. If the Lord wants you to meet somebody or have something happen in your life, He will do amazing things to make sure that happens. Believe that. I'm telling you it's true. I've experienced it over and over again. Well, after Chris and I had a wonderful meal together and a time of sharing, we've been great friends ever since. We've done some ministry together in Israel, in America, and in Holland. And God had a divine appointment for both of us to meet that night. Well, Chris is on fire for the Lord and I love him like a brother. We still do work together to this day. Well, on this trip to Israel, I also got to meet some other pastors of Messianic congregations in Israel and these congregations are composed of Jewish people who believe Jesus is the Messiah. And many of them have immigrated from. other countries that were once part of the Soviet Union. So I become very good friends with some of these men. And on one of my other, another one of my trips to Israel, one of these men offered to take me to the property of the Old Testament prophet, Samuel, where Samuel had lived in his lifetime. And he told me that even today, another man who claimed to be a prophet lived there on Samuel's old I was so excited to go there. I knew in my spirit that the Lord wanted me to go to Samuel's property and that he had something planned for me while I was there. We traveled to Samuel's old property and I met the man who currently lives there. He was kind enough to let me spend a few hours with him and get to know him a little bit. After we had some introductory conversation, he suddenly spoke. out to me with a loud angry voice. He said, you came here because you want me to anoint you, didn't you? I told him yes. I thought God took me to Samuel's property to have this man lay hands on me and anoint me since I'd heard that he was a prophet. And God had also called me to be a prophet. He said, I'm not going to anoint you. Why are you in Israel? And I told him about my non-prophet that I'm the founder of Alms International. And that my wife and I have this ministry to feed and clothe poor people all around the world. And then I went on to tell him that we helped to provide food and financial assistance for Holocaust survivors in Israel, new immigrants to Israel, single mothers with children in Israel, and we also feed hungry children there. So he was really pleased with this, with Alms International and our ministry work in Israel, and he calmed down. And then he prophesied a blessing over alms international and said that one day it would have a huge presence in Israel and help many people in the country. So time will tell if what he prophesied over alms will take place or not. So as he spoke to me though, the Lord revealed to me that this man had some beliefs that were not correct, that he was not the one to anoint me. He got tired, he's an older gentleman. So he decided to take a nap. I went over walking on the property and discovered a cave that was located there on Samuel's property. And I found that there was a pool of spring fed water inside it. Couldn't believe it. Took off my pants and I had my boxer shorts on and walked into the water in the cave. It was very dark in there. But then an amazing miracle took place. God spoke to me. and confirmed that he was anointing me while I was in the water on Samuel's property to do a prophetic work that he had called me to do. I will be forever grateful to be chosen to be a servant of God and then have the awesome privilege of being anointed in this pool of spring-fed water on Samuel's old property there. Only God could do this another incredible miracle. that the Lord did for me. Well, after this amazing trip to Israel, I had been doing some youth ministry work nationwide here in America and some international evangelism. And I knew that God had a new work for me. So I stepped down from doing that and soon another opportunity came along. And this time it was the possibility of going to work with Jonathan Cahn. You may know Jonathan, he's the author of of the book Harbinger and now Harbinger II and a number of other bestselling books that he's released over the last several years and he pastors a messianic congregation in New Jersey, just west of New York City and maybe 20 minutes to Times Square. So Jonathan's very well known. He also does, he speaks at the National Prayer Breakfast. and has done some amazing things for the Lord. So I knew this was a great opportunity and the Lord told me to send my resume and credentials to him and his wife. So I did that and they invited my wife, Sue and I out to visit the church, the ministry, and to get to know them, spend time with them. He had an opening for a church administrator and then that position could also move up into something else. So... We were able to tour the church campus with Jonathan and his wife and attend a church service and spend a few days with them. And Jonathan is such a gifted speaker. If you haven't heard him, you know, you could begin just by going to YouTube and typing in a search for Jonathan, Jonathan Cahn and watch one of his messages. And then you can see where to go to his websites and other places to learn more about him and the work that he and his wife do. We had a wonderful time, my wife Sue and I with Jonathan and his wife Renata. And I absolutely wanted to go to work with them and become part of their team. Many years had gone by since the Lord had called me to be a prophet and just surrender my life completely to him. However, the Lord told me that it was not yet time for me to go public and announce my prophetic ministry. So I didn't tell Jonathan that I was a prophet when I was with him, but Jonathan knew there was something going on with me. in the spiritual realm. He said, Ken, you were the first person that I wanted to hire that I had brought to my home. And I appreciated that compliment, but he knew, he sensed something was going on with me that was unique. Well, while I was at his home, he took me to his office where he writes his books. And it was neat to go down there. And he shared with me how God speaks to him and gives him the material to... to put in the books. Well, after that, we went upstairs and we sat in his living room and the Lord had me ask Jonathan some really tough questions about his ministry work and his motive for doing it. The Lord wanted me to vet him and see whether or not he was pure. And he never once boasted the entire time I was questioning him and spending time with him, talking with him. He didn't boast at all. And he had a lot he could boast about. He was a New York Times bestselling author and pastor of a growing church there. But he patiently answered all my questions and went on to offer me the position. And that speaks volumes about who he and Renata are. They're humble servants of God and the Lord is using them in a mighty way. Well. Jonathan offered me the position to come on as his staff as the church administrator and then eventually to move up into a role as a personal assistant directly to him. This was an awesome opportunity for me and my wife and she's a school teacher and she would have been able to get a position at a local school there and it would be amazing. We'll ask Jonathan for a week to go home and seek the Lord about this. Over the years you guys I... The Lord's taught me to never take a position right on the spot when emotions are running high. So I had to hear what God wanted me to do and not to respond in the flesh. Jonathan was gracious and said, hey, go home, pray about it, and then get back to me. So I went home and I talked to my wife some more about the position. I fasted and prayed. And I absolutely wanted to go to work with Jonathan and serve the Lord with him. And I... I had started taking people to Israel on trips, tour trips, and Jonathan was even so kind. He said, Ken, if you'll come on staff, I'll let you even continue taking your tour groups to Israel. I was just part of your duties here. I'm happy to let you to do that. Well, I fasted and prayed for a number of days, and Jonathan and I kept in touch by email during that time. And then one night the Lord spoke to me and he said, Ken, I know you want to go and work with Jonathan. I understand that. However, I want you to turn down the job. I want you to start speaking for me. It's now time for you to begin your prophetic ministry. Honestly, I was crushed. Yes, I wanted to obey the Lord, and no matter how much that would cost me, and I did. However, I had quickly to love Jonathan and Renata, and I wanted to go to work with him. I knew we would have such a great time working together. We just clicked when we were together and they're just precious people. Sadly, I emailed Jonathan and let him know that I couldn't take the position. He was disappointed that I turned down the job and it broke my heart to tell him that I couldn't come. He thought also that we would really work well together. So did I, but it wasn't God's plan in that moment. Perhaps one day Jonathan and I will do some ministry work together. We'll see. Time will tell. Well, what was I going to do now? Where did God want me to speak? What messages was He giving me to deliver to people around the world? What was I going to do career-wise next? Well, I sent my resume to a church in Gunnison, Colorado. I knew they'd already offered a position to some other candidates before I even contacted them, but it hadn't worked out for them to fill the position yet. So, after a couple of months of waiting on them, contacted by them and invited to come over and spend a weekend and preach in view of a call. Eventually they asked me to become their pastor and after quite a bit of prayer again I accepted the offer. God confirmed that this was the pastor position he had told me about in a vision that had happened a few years earlier. A few years prior to this, after church one day, at a church we were attending, God took me into a vision. He said, one day you're gonna pastor a church in the mountains that can't really afford to pay a full-time salary to the pastor. And I'm gonna take you there for a season and you're gonna be a pastor at a church. And so I shared that with my wife. And this happened now and it came to pass that the vision the Lord had given me was now going to be completed there at this church. So... the vision became a reality as they always do. Well, a pattern was taking place. God began to give me visions and they were coming true and He was telling me in advance what I was going to do. So at times with my friends, I share conversations with them about my life and they ask me about my career and what I've done. And so I tell them where the Lord's had me work and where we've lived. And I talk about some of these and how God's called me to walk away from them or turn them down. And this really puzzles my friends. Let me share a few things I'm talking about. I had a chance right out of graduate school when I got my master's degree to go to work for Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. And they were going to pay for my doctorate and had me teach there. And it was just going to be an outstanding opportunity. But the Lord told me to turn that down. But that led me to go out to West Texas and teach and coach like the Lord wanted me to do. Not my plans, but his. And that's where I had an encounter with a man there, Pat McGee, that eventually he shared a prophetic word the Lord had given him with me that God was going to call me one day to be a prophet. So by turning down sometimes some amazing job opportunities, I've remained in the Lord's will and gone where the Lord's told me the next thing He wanted me to do with my life. I had an opportunity to work four years at Second Baptist Church and School in Houston, Texas, and under the great teaching and leadership of Dr. Ed Young there, and my wife and I could have stayed there, but after a while the Lord called us to Colorado and we eventually were. part of a church plant after we moved and did a lot of ministry work in Colorado that we would have missed out on if we didn't go. So later on, I got to work in California in San Diego with Dr. David Jeremiah at Shadow Mountain Community Church and the Christian school there. And again, I was there four years, my wife and I, but the Lord called us out again. to go and move and to do another work and to do more international evangelism and just to start our nonprofit, Alms International. So, I share these stories with people about what God's allowed me to do and job offers I've had that I've declined or jobs I've had with some amazing people that God's asked me to move away from to do another work for Him. And they think I'm crazy. They're... Some of them tell me, Ken, these are dream jobs. I would have never left any of them if I had been offered them. But my friend, life is short, and it's so important to be in the will of God and to do what He's called you to do. And if He asks you to move or make changes in your life, I just implore you to do that. Walk in God's will, be willing to take risks, or to change jobs, or to move to another place if the Lord calls you to. Why do I do what I do? Why do I do this or lead these jobs or these are turned down? Amazing opportunities because I've surrendered my life to the Lord. I'm going to do whatever he tells me to do at any time. And it's part of that costly commitment that he's asked me to do with my life, just to be sold out to him. Be like Paul in Galatians 2.20, that I've been crucified with Christ, therefore I no longer live. Jesus Christ now lives in me, and the life I live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. And I just love Jesus so much. He died a brutal death on the cross for me. And so I will go anywhere, I will do anything, I will take any position he wants me to, I'll decline anything that he tells me not to take. even though I personally want to maybe take that job. I've sold out to the Lord and for me, it's the only way to do life. So, do I miss people that I could have worked with or that I did work and work with in these past positions? Absolutely. I love the people I've worked with and there's people that I wanted to work with, including Jonathan and his wife, the people at Moody Bible Institute. It would have been amazing to have been with those people, but for now the Lord has told me no. But because of my obedience to the Lord, He's continued to use me as a vessel in His work for me. And I can't even put into words how He's blessed me to get to hear His voice, to experience miracles, like a couple that I shared with you today, to receive visions from the Lord. I am so blessed and so unworthy to do that. Well, God wanted me to start speaking. He started giving me prophetic messages. And I'll share some of those in the future podcast as well. But visions He took me into, more miracles that He did, messages that He's given to His church and to the people of the nations around the world. But His words of quickly confirmed to me in these prophetic messages and visions that he's given to me, they come true. And just like him telling me that I would pastor a church in a town in Colorado in the mountains that couldn't afford a full-time pastor that came to pass. Well, I wanna ask you this, what's God done in your lifetime for you? Looking back over your life, do you see his hand in your life? And do you see how he's provided for all your needs? The future may out there in front of us may look a little scary, or we're not sure what at times what God's will is, but looking back over your shoulder, looking back at the years past, can you see God's hand in your life, how he was guiding you, opening doors, showing you who to marry, what to do for a career, what his call on your life? And... I pray that you can do that. And it's never too late to start. He'll take you right where you are. Well, I wanna share with you another verse, Psalms 84-11. I love this verse. So if you have your Bible again or your phone app, go there. It says, for the Lord God is a son and shield. The Lord will give grace and mercy. No good thing will he withhold from those who walk uprightly. If you walk in purity and holiness before the Lord each day, no good thing will he withhold from you. Think about that. It's important to read the Bible, but as I've told you in a previous podcast, if you read the Bible, but you don't apply, what you've read and claim it, and you're not obedient to what it says to do, it doesn't benefit you if you're not going to be obedient to what it tells you to do. So the Lord says here, no good thing will I withhold from any of you if you walk uprightly, if you walk in purity before the Lord and righteousness. So the Lord wants to, the Lord's got a plan for everyone's life. And some people never discover that plan. Some people reject the Lord and don't want anything to do with them and end up spending eternity separated from Him. They get what they asked for. They want nothing to do with Him. They reject Him. They don't believe there's a God. They don't believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and died on a cross to pay the penalty for their sins. and that He offers eternal life to them. They reject that. But I pray that for you, you haven't rejected Christ, that you have received Him as your Lord and Savior already, or you will do that here in the very near future. Just tell the Lord, I admit to you that I'm a sinner. I need a Savior. I ask you to forgive me of my sins. And I believe, Father God, that you sent your Son Jesus to die on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins. So, Come in me, come live through me, and be my Lord and Savior. I surrender my life to you this day. In Jesus' name, amen. You could pray a simple prayer like that, and if you mean it from your heart, God will truly save you. So I will continue sharing these amazing experiences that I've had with God in my lifetime, and I pray that you've experienced God. You've had... amazing prayers answered. You've had miracles occur in your life and you want to share those in the comments like I suggested to you earlier that you can do. So, God is still doing miracles today and he is such a good, good God. He provides for all of our needs as his adopted sons and daughters. He's the God of miracles. He's the way maker. our amazing, incredible Father God, the Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Well, join me. Let's pray. Father, I thank you for today and for this opportunity to just be with these people that are viewing the podcast or watching the podcast. Lord, I pray that you just anoint this message and you deliver it to each person. and you meet their needs and they hear what you want them to hear right where they are with what they're doing within their life, dealing within their lives today. Some people are in a crisis. Some are in a good spot, but you know, each person listening to this where they are. And I pray that they, that they know that you love them, that you want them to be born again, to be saved. You want them to walk with you in this lifetime and to. just spend eternity with you in heaven. You wish that none would perish. So Lord, I thank you for this time we've had today together. You are the God who still does miracles. You're so amazing. Lord, we love you and we bless you and praise you. In Jesus' mighty name I pray, amen.