Sept. 6, 2023

Grace AND Truth

Grace AND Truth
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Kingdom Conversations with Pastor Caleb McCall

Listen in as Pastor Caleb kicks off his series from The Legacy Church, "Grace AND Truth!" In this series he will preach all in one sermon a topic or text of the "scandalous grace" of God but also pull an incredibly "hard truth" from the scriptures as well. This series was birthed out of John chapter one where the bible says Jesus was grace AND truth. In our society and even in christian circles we have gotten to this place where we believe the two our mutually exclusive but they are not. They are complementary. One church wants to preach fire and brimstone while the other only will preach love and grace with no correction or even warn that hell and eternal damnation are real. Tune in over the next couple weeks as Pastor Caleb breaks this down. For Jesus is GRACE AND TRUTH!