
Sept. 10, 2024

Salvation in World Religions (238)

What is the solution to our spiritual problem as human beings? Do we need salvation, as Christianity teaches, liberation, as Hinduism teaches, enlightenment, as Buddhism teaches, or some other kind of spiritual awakening? Ev…
Sept. 3, 2024


Why are cows considered sacred in Hinduism and even worshipfully venerated? What are they allowed to roam in the streets, fed sweets, and adorned with painted images and garlands of flowers? Why is even cow dung used in some…
Aug. 27, 2024

“JUDGE NOT!” said Jesus. WHAT??? (236)

Jesus said, “Judge not that you be not judged” (Mt. 7:1) Did the Savior mean we should never offer an opinion challenging the doctrine or lifestyle choices of another person? Or is the correct interpretation much different? …
Aug. 20, 2024

Speaking in Tongues: The Gift, the Mystery, the Controversy (235)

Speaking in tongues was a common occurrence in the early church. It is one of the nine supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit. Why is there such a controversy surrounding this mysterious manifestation of God's power? Are some…
Aug. 13, 2024

Where Was Jesus During His Hidden Years? (234)

The Bible is largely silent about Jesus between the ages of 12 and 30. Various sources offer conflicting claims, insisting Jesus trained under an Essene teacher, traveled to India, was mentored by Hindu healers, lived in a T…
Aug. 7, 2024

Is Mary the “Perpetual Virgin”? (233)

According to Catholic doctrine, Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a virgin before, during, and after the birth of Jesus—and thus, a virgin eternally. Is this true? Does the Bible verify this concept? Did any respected leaders i…
July 30, 2024

Can We Actually Breathe in the Holy Spirit? (232)

Several popular Christian worship songs propose that believers can breathe in the Spirit of God. A respected Charismatic pastor recently put out a video teaching greater peace can be achieved by inhaling deeply and saying, “…
July 23, 2024

Is Christ within Everyone? (231)

New Age spirituality promotes the belief that Christ is within everyone and everything, that Christ is a principle not a person, that the Christ-nature is something different than the man, Jesus. This mindset has been promot…
July 16, 2024

Is the Kingdom of God within Everyone? (230)

Does the Kingdom of God reside within every person? Jesus explained to the Pharisees, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is withi…
July 9, 2024

Is Universal Reconciliation True? (229)

Universal reconciliation is the concept that everything will ultimately be reconciled to God. The Scripture declares “the mystery” of God’s will is to finally “gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in h…
July 2, 2024

Is the Law of Karma Biblical? (228)

Are the “Law of Karma” in Hinduism and the “Law of Sowing and Reaping” in biblical Christianity the same? Quite often, Christians use these terms interchangeably. Is that acceptable, or is it an incorrect mixture of truth an…
June 25, 2024

The Mystery of Living Water (227)

“Rivers of living water” flowing out of the heart—that’s what Jesus claimed would happen to those who believe in Him. What is “living water”? How does it nourish, sustain, and transform the soul? How does this promise diffe…
June 18, 2024

The Secret and the Law of Attraction (226)

What is “The Secret” and should it be embraced by people of all religions? Is “The Law of Attraction” a legitimate approach to success in life? Does it work? Is it the same as “The Law of Sowing and Reaping” in the Bible? If…
June 11, 2024

Is the Practice of “Mindfulness” Beneficial or Detrimental? (225)

What is “mindfulness” and is it an acceptable and helpful practice? This spiritual discipline, often in a watered-down form, is pervading our culture. Though the terms used may seem inviting, and there are some truths that c…
June 4, 2024

Maya (Hinduism) or Deception (Christianity)—Which Is Right? (224)

Hinduism teaches that maya (delusion) prevents human beings from understanding their true nature (the belief that they are divine beings, manifestations of God). Christianity teaches human beings live misguided, debased live…
May 28, 2024

15 Reasons I No Longer Believe in Reincarnation (223)

Do the interlocking concepts of karma and reincarnation provide a sufficient explanation for the evil and the suffering that abound in this world? As a yoga teacher in 1970, I fully embraced and taught this dual-doctrine. No…
May 21, 2024

Did Jesus Teach Karma and Reincarnation? (222)

Is the dual-doctrine of karma and reincarnation an inescapable cycle or a dark deception? A recent poll claimed that 1/3 of adults in the United States believe in this complex concept. Some try to prove this viewpoint by the…
May 14, 2024

Five Reasons I No Longer Pray the Rosary (221)

Praying the rosary is a popular practice in Catholicism. Yet no such ritual existed in Christianity for over a thousand years. Is it a correct, divinely-revealed method of prayer, or are there reasons to question its validit…
May 7, 2024

Is the Doctrine of Mary’s “Immaculate Conception” True or False? (220)

According to Catholic doctrine, Mary was conceived without sin and because of that, she alone was a suitable vessel for birthing the Son of God into this world. This doctrine also leads to the associated belief that Mary liv…
April 30, 2024

Why Is Jesus Called “THE TRUE LIGHT”? (219)

Jesus is called the “true light,” the “true bread,” the “true vine,” and “the true witness” in Scripture? To label something “true” implies the existence of a counterfeit that is false. What do these four unique symbols mean…
April 23, 2024

Was Jesus a Yogi Who Taught His Disciples Yoga? (218)

The word “Yoga” means yoke. Jesus told His disciples to take His “yoke.” Was He introducing a yoga-like approach to spirituality, or did He mean something completely different? Many New Agers and yoga advocates insist that’s…
April 16, 2024

When Jesus said, “You are gods!”—what did He mean? (217)

When Jesus said, “You are gods!”—who was He referring to? Many New Agers believe this statement reveals that He taught the divinity of all human beings. Some Christians boldly claim a ‘god-like’ status even now based on this…
April 9, 2024

Are All Human Beings in “the Image of God”? (216)

Are all human beings in “the image of God”? Where does that expression come from? Was the “image” lost because of the fall of Adam? If so, was it completely lost or partially lost? Is true Christianity the only means by whic…
April 2, 2024

What Does the YIN-YANG Symbol Really Mean? (215)

The Yin-Yang symbol—you see it in so many places—religious emblems, jewelry, movies, tattoos, graffiti, even national flags—but what does it really represent? Is it primarily the duality between male and female? Or does the …