Why does God allow evil to exist in this world and all the problems and the pain that result from it: corrupted minds, damaged hearts, and destroyed lives? Why are there such things as war, murder, immorality, greed, poverty, starvation, and disease? If God is good, why is there so much “bad”? Discover five powerful answers to all of these perplexing questions.
Comparative religion website: www.thetruelight.net
Catholicism website: www.toCatholicswithlove.org
Ministry website: www.shreveministries.org
Video channel: www.YouTube.com/mikeshreveministries
All audio-podcasts are shared in a video format on our YouTube channel.
Mike Shreve’s other podcast
Discover Your Spiritual Identity—a study on the biblical names given to God's people:
Mail: P.O. Box 4260, Cleveland, TN 37320 / Phone: 423-478-2843
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